Since version 2.21.5 ConfiForms provides some helper functions for you to use to cover some common scenarios
Excerpt |
Available since version | Function | Description | Demo |
| function cfAddFieldRequired(formId, fieldName) | Adds required field mark / asterisk. This does not make the field required - you need to have an additional validation in place to validate the field's value | Multimedia |
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width | 600 |
| | function cfRemoveFieldRequired(formId, fieldName) | Removes required field mark / asterisk from a field. Important to know that if the field is set as required in ConfiForms Field Definition then it still remains as required and users must provide a value before they can submit the form. This function only changes the visual appearance of a field label |
| | function cfAddTabStop(formId, fieldName) | Adds "tab stop", meaning that the field will be excluded from form's set of fields when moving around using the "tab" key | Multimedia |
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width | 600 |
| | function cfRemoveTabStop(formId, fieldName) | Removes the "tab stop" marker from a field |
| | function cfSetValue(formId, fieldName, fieldValue, isAdvanced = false) | Set's value on a field. Set "isAdvanced = true" if you want to set the value on "advanced" fields (such as dropdown fields with lookup, etc) |
| | function cfSetValueWithEventPropagation(formId, fieldName, fieldValue, isAdvanced = false) | Same as "cfSetValue" function but triggers a "change" event |
| | function cfResetValue(formId, fieldName, isAdvanced = false) | Resets value on a field (sets it to empty state). |
| | function cfSetValueByIndex(formId, fieldName, index, isAdvanced = false) | Selects value by index in a dropdown (radio) field. Options start with 0 index (so, the first option will be with index = 0) |
| | function cfToggleReadOnly(formId, fieldName, isReadOnly, isAdvanced = false) | Toggles readonly attribute (either adds it or removes it, depending on a isReadOnly parameter value) |
| | function cfToggleDisabled(formId, fieldName, isDisabled, isAdvanced = false) | Toggles disabled attribute (either adds it or removes it, depending on a isDisabled parameter value) |