ConfiForms Form Definition |
formName | vendors |
registrationFormTitle | Vendor Registration |
Vendor has been registeredRegister vendorINLINE nameNametextlocationLocationtext |
For for registering new client
ConfiForms Form Definition |
formName | clients |
registrationFormTitle | Client Registration |
Client has been registeredRegister clientINLINE nameNametextvendorsVendors[7045319|vendors|name|true||]smartmultiselect locationLocationtext |
Basic reports
All my clients (in a table)
ConfiForms TableView |
formName | clients |
sort | name ASC |
name |
Same as above but as a list (with totally custom layout)
ConfiForms ListView |
formName | clients |
sort | name ASC |
name based in location |
All my vendors (in a table with name and location)
ConfiForms TableView |
name location |
Vendors per location
ConfiForms TableView Merger |
vendors location Per locationPer location:[count] |
Clients per region
Chart |
ConfiForms TableView Merger |
clients location Per locationPer location:[count] |
Vendors per region
Chart |
ConfiForms TableView Merger |
vendors location Per locationPer location:[count] |
My client (by name) with all vendors in a custom view (showing only ONE client by filter with custom layout)
ConfiForms ListView |
filter | name:*ABC |
formName | clients |
nameBased in: location Vendors: vendors |
Showing customers who use vendor matching a filter (vendors:*TUV)
ConfiForms ListView |
filter | vendors:*TUV |
formName | clients |
Warning |
"questionable" reports - querying through vendors about clients (not directly at least, but though custom views), as we only store one way reference in client table/form. That means: vendors form knows nothing about clients
- Vendors used by clients (with multiselect fields (we have it for vendors) the reports might be not so flexible, values are appended automatically)
ConfiForms TableView Merger |
clients vendors.name |
ConfiForms TableView Merger |
clients vendors.name [count] |
same as above but with flattened dataset ConfiForms TableView Merger |
| clients vendors.name [count] |
ConfiForms TableView Merger |
clients vendors.name name |
same as above but with flattened dataset ConfiForms TableView Merger |
| clients vendors.name name |
vendors.length with Merger table ConfiForms TableView Merger |
clients name
vendors.asLengthvendors.asLength |
as normal table (using special function to count vendors) vendors.length with table view ConfiForms TableView |
| name vendors.asLengthvendors.asLength |
same but using [entry_fieldname] ConfiForms ListView |
| [entry.name] with vendors count: [entry.vendors.asCount] |