infoInfoBefore contacting support, please make sure you have updated the plugin, you want to receive support forneed help with, to <b>latest</b> version. Check Atlassian Marketplace for <a href="" target="_blank">available versions</a> of our pluginsinfopanel requestNumberRequest NumberSUPPORT-:100auto id:[empty]requestNumberHide field min-width:380pxaddOnTypeAdd-onfalse[confi=ConfiForms. Data Forms & Workflows|cdoc=ConfiDoc. Viewer for SQL, XML, JSON, CSV|sa=SpaceAuditor system audit and statistics|st=Smart Templates|]Add-on you need help sourcePage sourcetrueautopagenameYour nametexttrue emailYour emailSo, we can reply you back for the details or when the feature is complete. No spam - we promise!texttrue min-width:500px;width:500px;height:300px;requestDescribe your requestDescribe your feature or support request in brief, or in details :-) Always helps when you tell us what Confluence/Jira version you are usingtextarea clientIPClient IPtrueip width:120pxsenAdd-on's license ID (SEN)Please type the license ID for the add-on. It starts with SEN-. Knowing this will help us to prioritize the support queue, as well as understand your context and environment bettertext Send NotificationonCreatedFeature request for ConfiFormssashTake a look at: ConfiForms Backlog [] [] [entry.request] Requested from: [entry.source.displayTitle] Send Emailvertuna@vertuna.comonCreated[entry.requestNumber] Vertuna Support Request (Confluence add-ons) [] [] [entry.request]
[entry.requestNumber] [entry.addOnType.label] |