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Adding "skipIFTTTExecute" parameter with value "true" to your request tells ConfiForms form to skip IFTTT rules execution

Code Block

This parameter is supported by the following methods

Method / URL

Create entry

Code Block
PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
fields... - fields here is a set of key-value pairs for ConfiForms form's fields you want to set (separated with '&' as HTTP parameters). For example if the form has a field with a name 'bookTitle' defined then you will need to write bookTitle=Book Title


There is a way to create entries on behalf of the "page" - useful when you have "autopage" fields in your form

In this case, use the "storagePageId" as the page location of your form, while "pageId" parameter use as the "current page"

Update entry

Code Block

PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
ID - entity id you would like to update, if not given then a new entity is created
fields... - fields here is a set of key-value pairs for ConfiForms form's fields you want to set (separated with '&' as HTTP parameters). For example if the form has a field with a name 'bookTitle' defined then you will need to write bookTitle=Book Title

Delete entry

Code Block

PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
ID - entity id you would like to delete

Delete entries

Code Block
PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
FILTER - filter to match records you want to delete. Same syntax as the filter itself uses. See Using filters section in documentation

Update specific field

Code Block
PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
FILTER - filter to match records you want to update. Same syntax as the filter itself uses. See Using filters section in documentation
fv=field:value - parameter fv shows which form's field to update and it's new value


From ConfiForms version 1.49.2 you can use [entry.fieldname] in "fv" parameter (to reference the value from another field)

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Validate entry

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This method only validates if the data could be saved

PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
fields... - fields here is a set of key-value pairs for ConfiForms form's fields you want to set (separated with '&' as HTTP parameters). For example if the form has a field with a name 'bookTitle' defined then you will need to write bookTitle=Book Title

Search entries

Code Block

PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
QUERY - search query in Lucene format, For example to search for books which have a title ('bookTitle' field on the form) set to 'Catching fire' you would need to write the following expression: &q=bookTitle:Catching fire.
Take a look at Using filters tutorial to learn more by example


From ConfiForms version 1.49.2 you can use additional "fields" parameter in the request to decorate the returned values with Virtual functions. Use "," to separate field decoration instructions

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This translates to - try to apply camelCase virtual function on "myfield" and try to format "mydatefield" with the formatDate function and given pattern


From ConfiForms version 1.50, you can specify limits (limit) and sorting (sort)

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limit=2&sort=created ASC

Sorting variale expects the value as described here Sorting in ConfiForms


From ConfiForms version 1.53.3 you can use use "append=true" in your query which instructs the parameter "fields" to add the transformed (decorated) fields into the record. This allows you to have multiple representations of the field in the output.

Get form definition

Code Block

PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form

Upload file to ConfiForms field

Since ConfiForms version 1.20 you are now able to attach files to ConfiForms records via REST API. Make sure you create a POST request and for larger files please consider using a multipart request instead, having file body sent via the file part, not via base64 encoded contents. In this case, do not set the "fv" parameter!

File should be encoded as BASE64 string

Code Block
PAGE_ID - where the ConfiForms form is configured
FORM_NAME - name of ConfiForms form
FILTER - filter to find the entry you want to upload this file to (for example: id:GUID, id:39554293-f4c6-4ae5-9d34-cb34db1f44a0 to upload to a particular entry, filter can be anything ConfiForms supports ConfiForms Filters)

FIELD_NAME - name of the file followed by : and file contents encoded as BASE64 string

CONTENT_TYPE - file content type which you are trying to upload, expecting mime type, see

NAMEOFFILE - name of the file (will be visible as the name in attachments)


It is strongly advised to use POST for this operation and send the parameters not in the query string but using the HTTP POST method request parameters

For larger files consider using a multi-part POST request and sending your file as a multi-part part, not as encoded base64 contents!

Assuming your form is called "myform", it is located on page "819211" and you want to upload a file to field "photo" and attach it to the record that matches the filter "name:alex". Here is what you shall do (screenshot is based on POSTMAN UI)