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ConfiForms API prefix is "/rest/confiforms/1.0"

Each API call expects you to provide at least the information about the page where the form is located (pageId - as number, pointing at Confluence page by ID - and the form name (the name of the form you have given in ConfiForms Form Definition macro for the form).

See extra parameters that can be supplied as a request parameters (or as a POST/PUT parameters) to the call

NameURLHttp MethodDescriptionExtra parameters
Create ConfiForms Entry/rest/confiforms/1.0/create/{pageId}/{formName}POSTCreates ConfiForms entry in the form
Update ConfiForms Entry/rest/confiforms/1.0/update/{pageId}/{formName}/{id}POSTUpdates existing ConfiForms entry in the form (via {id} parameter)
Validate ConfiForms Entry



POSTValidates given data against the form's rules. Basically does the same as create/update, but does not do the actual "save"
Get form definition/rest/confiforms/1.0/definition/{pageId}/{formName}GETReturns form configuration (definition)
Get ConfiForms Entry by ID/rest/confiforms/1.0/get/{pageId}/{formName}/{id}GETReturns ConfiForms entry data in JSON format by given ID (UUID) in a given form
Search ConfiForms Entries by filter



GETSearches for ConfiForms entries in a form, based on the given filter/query (ConfiForms Filters). When filter is not specified all the entries are returned

Delete ConfiForms Entry by ID

/rest/confiforms/1.0/deleteById/{pageId}/{formName}/{id}DELETEDeletes ConfiForms entry by givenID (UUID)
Delete ConfiForms Entries by filter/rest/confiforms/1.0/deleteByFilter/{pageId}/{formName}/{filter}DELETEDeletes ConfiForms entry by given filter/query (ConfiForms Filters)
Update ConfiForms Field value by filter



PUTUpdates specific field with a given value in the form, by filter (ConfiForms Filters). When filter is not specified the update is executed on all the entries