When you configure ConfiDoc with databases as sources you need to specify a driver class and connection URL. These are, very often, quite difficult to find in the first place. We have made it easier for you
Driver | Connection string | Where to find |
MySql/ com.mysql.jdbc.Driver | jdbc:mysql://:/?user=&password= | download |
PostgreSQL/ org.postgresql.Driver | dbc:postgresql://:/?user=&password= distributed with soapUI Pro | |
IBMDB2/ COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver | jdbc:db2://:/?user=&password= comes with db2 express c download | |
MSSQL(MicrosoftDriver)/ com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver | jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://:;databaseName=?user=&password= | distributed with soapUI Pro |
MSSQL(Weblogic)/ weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver | jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4:@: should come with weblogic instalation | |
MSSQL(SprintaDriver)/ com.inet.tds.TdsDriver | jdbc:inetdae::?database=?user=&password= | (*)download |
MicrosoftSQLServer(JTurboDriver)/ com.ashna.jturbo.driver.Driver | jdbc:JTurbo://://user=/password= download | |
OracleThin/ oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver | jdbc:oracle:thin:/@:: | download |
Oracle(OranhoDriver)/ com.inet.pool.PoolDriver | jdbc:inetpool:inetora:?database=&user=&password=&sid= | (*)download |
Sybase(jConnect5.2)/ ncom.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver | jdbc:sybase:Tds::?user=&password= download | |
PointBaseEmbeddedServer/ com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver | jdbc:pointbase://embedded:/?user=&password= | Get more information here |
Cloudscape/ COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver | jdbc:cloudscape:?user=&password= The Cloudscape Embedded JDBC Driver is included with the Cloudscape product. You can download Cloudscape and this driver from this page | |
CloudscapeRMI/ RmiJdbc.RJDriver | jdbc:rmi://:/jdbc:cloudscape:?user=&password= | Get more information here |
Firebird(JCA-JDBCDriver)/ org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver | jdbc:firebirdsql://:/?user=&password= The Firebird JCA-JDBC Driver is bundled in a jaybird JAR file which is available as part of the Firebird download | |
IDSServer/ ids.sql.IDSDriver | jdbc:ids://:/conn?dsn='' | Get more information here |
InformixDynamicServer/ com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver | jdbc:informix-sqli://:/:INFORMIXSERVER= | download |
InstantDB/ org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver | jdbc:idb: | Get more information here |
Interbase(InterClientDriver)/ interbase.interclient.Driver | jdbc:interbase:/// | The InterBase JDBC driver is bundled in a JAR file called 'interclient.jar' which is available as part of the Interclient download. |
HypersonicSQL/ org.hsql.jdbcDriver | jdbc:HypersonicSQL:?user=&password= download |