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- Data Forms & Workflows app for Atlassian Confluence

The ConfiForms app uses Confluence's page permissions to control form useConfiForms plugin uses Confluence page permissions to restrict usage of forms. Users with 'edit' permissions on permission for a page have administrative rights for the form(s) defined on this that page. By restricting 'edit' rights to the page you will remove administrative rights for users., the administrator controls administrative rights to its form(s). See more on Confluence page permissions and ConfiForms

Each record registered stored with ConfiForms has it's an owner. This means that a user who owns the record can fully control it (if edit/delete is enabled by the adminadministrator). Admin users of a form can register configure ConfiForms records to be owned by themselves, but and also for by other users. Admin A form's administrative users can control all records saved with given ConfiForms form.

Each record in ConfiForms has an associated metadata.

by the form.

A form can define additional users as form administrators or form superusers (even if they don't have edit permissions on the page). 

Each record in ConfiForms has the following associated metadata (aka metadata fields):

  • id - record internal id (UUID), unique for every saved record within dataset
  • ownedBy - the username(s) of the users who own


  • the record (and can fully control it)


  • - multi-value field! Multiple users can own a record!
  • ownedByName - the


  • full name of the user who owns the record   Use ownedBy.transform(fullName).asList
  • createdBy - the username of the user who has created the record (admin users can create records for other users)


  • createdByName - the full name of the user who has created the record  Use createdBy.fullName
  • created - the timestamp when the record was created
  • dateCreatedFormatted -


All these metadata fields (additionally to your own defined ConfiForms fields (definitions)) could be referenced using the "ConfiForms Field macro" in

  • ConfiForms TableView macro
  • ConfiForms ListView macro
  • ConfiForms CardView macro

Quick hints

  • Each form has a name and belongs to page. To reference a ConfiForms Form you have to know it's name and Confluence page where it is configured
  • To define the form you need: ConfiForms Form and ConfiForms Field Definition macros
  • To enable registrations and show the form you will need: ConfiForms Registration Control macro
  • To show the form with own layout you will need ConfiForms Registration Control macro and use this macro body as a container for your form designs, place ConfiForms Field macros there referencing your form fields (ConfiForms Field Definitions)
  • To send email from ConfiForms you will need an IFTTT macro placed inside your  ConfiForms Form macro
  • To show saved data use ConfiForms TableViewConfiForms ListView or ConfiForms CardView macros
  • To customize the output, use CSS Rules for ConfiForms Fields macro
  • To aggregate and merge the data from different ConfiForms Forms use ConfiForms TableView Merger macro

Macro documentation


ConfiForms Form



Main macro to define the entry form and it's rules

ConfiForms Form nameformNameName of the form you are creating. Must be unique within the page and alphanumeric. Allowed symbols are [a-z]
Registration form titleregistrationFormTitleTitle for your form to be shown on registration dialog
Label for Save button shown on registration formsaveButtonLabelText to show for 'Save' button on registration dialog
Enable full auditenableAuditIf set, enables full audit. Tracks all the changes made and enables change history. Form admin users are able to see the log as a part of Admin UI
Lock formlockedFlag to be used when ConfiForm must be locked for new registrations. Admin users will still be able to manage form's data
Message to show when the form is lockedlockedMessageWhen the form is locked a message with given text will be shown to users
Enforce one entry per useruniqueByUserConfiForms will ensure one record per user (ownedBy) is saved
Shows only own records to non-admin usersshowOnlyOwnRecordsIf parameter is set then only records own by the user will be visible to this user. Admin users will still see all the records.
Form is read-only after registrationreadonlyAfterRegistrationSet's the form to be readonly after user have registered. Form will be readonly only for the user registered. Users who have not yet registered will still be able to register.
Message to show when a form is read-only and user has already been registeredreadonlyAfterRegistrationMessageWhen the flag 'Form is read-only after registration' is set and the user has registered the message will be shown with the text specified
Track maximum capacity (records number)maxCapacityConfiForms will allow only given number of registrations
Message to show when maximum capacity is reachedmaxCapacityMessageWhen the flag 'Track maximum capacity (records number)' is set and the maximum has been reached the following message will be shown to the user with the given text
Allow data exportexportIf you want to enable data export for non-admin users (You will still need to set "Enable export" parameter on the TableView macro)
Enable form's ''Print'' buttonprintEnabledIf set, then the form has a print button enabled
Show editable fields in Print viewprintEditableIf un-checked the fields in print view will be shown as read-only labels. When checked the form fields will be shown as editable fields
Additional usernames (or user groups) that should be treated as form administratorsadditionalFormAdminsComma separated list of usernames / usergroups that should be treated as form admins. Useful, when you want to lock down the form configuration but enable full control over the form's data to certain users


ConfiForms Field Definition


Macro to use inside the ConfiForms Form macro to define form fields, their types and behavior


Type of the field. Defines how the field is entered (datepickers for dates, dropdowns, etc). See exact definitions for more details.

Text 4.3+simple text input field
Autolink 4.3+You can create automatic links to resources based on a defined pattern. Very useful when used together with IFTTT macro to create pages. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME] (except , which is not available when a record is about to be created)
Autonumber 4.3+Field value is an auto incremented numeric value which will be assigned automatically to each record. You can control how the number is shown: by using mask (prefix) and initial number. See Text masks and masked input
Autopage 4.3+Track the source of the record. Page where record was added will be automatically tracked
Calculated4.3+Enables you to set values for the field based on the expression.You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]. Important: value is calculated only when an entry is created. See "Formula" type field if you need a calculable field which is recalculated on each edit. See Supported math operators and functions
Checkbox 4.3+checkbox type of field
Checkbox group 4.3+group of checkbox type inputs
Date 5.0+Datepicker control, stores data in the format specified in Confluence general settings for DateFormat
Datetime 5.0+Datepicker with time control, stores data in the format specified in Confluence general settings for DateTimeFormat
Drawing canvas  4.3+for capturing simple drawings from users (good for 'wet signatures' for example)
Dropdown 4.3+a dropdown (or combobox) field to use for capturing user input
Dynamic Dropdown 4.3+a dropdown (or combobox) field, values could be pre-defined or referenced from other form with ability for users to enter their own
Enroll button5.0+one-click registrations and enrolments.
File 4.3+to upload files/images. Files will be stored as attachments on the page where the ConfiForms form is defined
Formula4.3+Enables you to set values for the field based on the expression. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]. Important: value is calculated every time when an entry is updated (and created). See "Calculated" type field if you need a calculable field which is NOT recalculated on each edit. See Supported math operators and functions
Hidden 4.3+a hidden constant to be stored with the record
Link 4.3+convenient way to store links to other resources and show them as links
Masked Text4.3+Masked input for your text control. See here, how to define a mask: Text masks and masked input
Multiselect 5.1+Useful when multiple values for the field should be stored
JIRA issue4.3+You can reference a JIRA issue with this field. Requires an application link to be set up
Page/Blog post 4.3+Reference Confluence page or blogpost
Password 5.0+Password fields
Radio group 4.3+group of radio type inputs. Useful with surveys
Section 4.3+section placeholder for your form. Use it to separate fields logically
Simple date 4.3+3 dropdowns (year, month, day) for easier date selection
Smart classifier 4.3+sophisticated field type to allow users to enter data based on stored structured dataset. You can define as deep structure as you need.

Smart Dropdown

Smart Multiselect

Smart Radio buttons

Smart Checkbox


Smart-multiselect 5.1+

a field to use for referencing the data from other ConfiForm forms. You can reference either other forms dropdown values or directly records stored (see the flag 'Reference to values').
Status 5.0+

easily group and visualize your data. Each status has own color, useful when you need to group (or label) your data.


Filtering by status field is a bit complex. As each colour has a constant value which is used to store the data. Here is the list of statuses and constants to use:

<span class="status-macro aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-moved"> MOVED </span>
Textarea 4.3+shows user input in textarea field
User 4.3+User's lookup field, useful when you need to store a reference Confluence users
User (multiselect) 5.1+User's lookup field with ability to select many users
WYSIWYG 5.0+ (on 4.3 this controls is shown as textarea)simple editor, supports basic formatting styles

* Compatibility column shows Confluence version number this field type is compatible with.


ConfiForms Registration Control



Macro to define form's registration behaviour and the way how form is shown (dialog or embedded to page). You can have many 'Registration Controls' on different pages (or even on the same page) which use the same form (form definition)

When macro has a body defined then it will be used as an input for your form layout. To enable WYSIWYG mode you must have "ConfiForm Field" macros as a body of your "ConfiForms Registration Control" macro. You can place "ConfiForm Field" macros with any styling and any additional text.

If "ConfiForms Registration Control" macro is not defined (empty) a default layout will be used (table/card with key-value fields)

ConfiForms Form nameformNameName of the ConfiForm this registration control should be linked to. The parameter is required when the macro is used stand-alone (not inside the ConfiForms Form macro). Could be skipped when the macro is configured inside the ConfiForms Form macro (in this case form name is taken automatically)
Page name where the form is definedpageTitleLeave blank if the form is defined on the same page
Embedded or Dialog?embeddedCheck this option if you want to have your form embedded on the page, uncheck if you want your form as a pop-up dialog
Label for Registration buttonregistrationButtonLabelCaption for registration button used
Message to show after a record been createdregistrationMessage 
Message to show after a record been updatedupdateMessage 
Set values as key-value pairs, separated by & (as request parameters)presetValuesWhere ''key'' is ConfiForms Field name and ''value'' is the value you want to preset, separated by &
Enable auto enrollautoenrollUseful when form has preset values (key-value pairs) and can be auto submitted. As you can have multiple registration controls for one form you can use "autoenroll" with predefine set of data to enable one-clieck submissions - works great when you want to capture yes/no feedback
Valid redirect URLredirectUrlURL to redirect after successful ''save'' operation if needed. Supports parameters/references to record fields. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier - as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]
CSS styles, separated by semicoloncssApplied on ''Registration'' button when Dialog mode is on (when in embedded mode this button is not shown)
Visible only to groups/usersrestrictionsComma-separated list of group names/usernames this field is visible to. Leave blank if there are no restrictions
Hide control when stored data matches this criteriahideIfMatchesSame syntax as in filters . The scope is ALL ConfiForms entries stored by the form referenced. The control will be hidden when the condition/filter given is met


ConfiForms Edit Controls



Macro defines Edit controls behavior for ConfiForms ListView and ConfiForms TableView

Inline edit or through the modal dialoginlineDefines how the record edit should be done: through dialog or inline on the page
Show both, Edit and Delete, buttons or just EditshowBothYou can restrict the 'Delete' action for users or allow both: Edit and Delete. If you want to restrict both: Edit and Delete then do not define the 'ConfiForms Edit Controls' macro
Label for Edit buttoneditButtonLabelCaption to use for edit button
Label for Delete buttondeleteButtonLabelCaption to use for delete button (delete button is actually a link in UI)
Hide controls when stored data (for given record) matches this criteriahideIfMatchesSame syntax as in filters. The scope is one current ConfiForms entry. The control will be hidden when the condition/filter given is met


ConfiForms TableView



Macro to visualize your stored data as table, with instant search, filtering and data sorting/ordering

ConfiForms Form nameformNameName of the ConfiForm form TableView should use
Page name where the form is definedpageTitleLeave blank if the form is defined on the same page
Filter to apply on entries datasetfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries datasetsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms and/or in the tutorials.
Enable instant search field over the table dataenableSearchAdds search input to the table to enable quick search/filter on stored data
Enable exportexportProvides a way to download forms content in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users could always export ConfiForms data via the admin UI. For non-admin users, form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' on ConfiForms form macro
PaginationpagerShowing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown
If set when the resulting page will be wrapped into a scrollable containerwrappedParameter to wrap tables in scrollable divs, useful for showing big datasets
CSS styles for TableView (table)cssCustom CSS to place on the table generated. To apply a CSS class - prefix it with 'class:'
Render a striped tablewithHighlightingHighlight every second row in a table


ConfiForms ListView



Macro to visualize your stored data in WYSIWYG view (also supports filtering and data sorting/ordering)

ConfiForms Form nameformNameName of the ConfiForm form TableView should use
Page name where the form is definedpageTitleLeave blank if the form is defined on the same page
Filter to apply on entries datasetfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters  and/or in the tutorials
PaginationpagerShowing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries datasetsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms  and/or in the tutorials.
CSS styles for ListView (div)cssCustom CSS to place on the section (div) generated. To apply a CSS class - prefix it with 'class:'


ConfiForms CardView



Macro to visualize your stored data as vertical table (card), with instant search, filtering and data sorting/ordering

ConfiForms Form nameformNameName of the ConfiForm form CardView should use
Page name where the form is definedpageTitleLeave blank if the form is defined on the same page
Filter to apply on entries datasetfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries datasetsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms and/or in the tutorials.
Enable instant search field over the table dataenableSearchAdds search input to the table to enable quick search/filter on stored data
Enable exportexportProvides a way to download forms content in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users could always export ConfiForms data via the admin UI. For non-admin users, form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' on ConfiForms form macro
PaginationpagerShowing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown
If set when the resulting page will be wrapped into a scrollable containerwrappedParameter to wrap tables in scrollable divs, useful for showing big datasets
CSS styles for TableView (table)cssCustom CSS to place on the table generated. To apply a CSS class - prefix it with 'class:'


ConfiForms Field



Macro to define a field to show within ConfiForms TableView, ConfiForms ListView or ConfiForms CardView macros

Field namefieldNameName of the field defined on the form referenced. In the macro preview mode you can see the field names registered within a form. Metadata fields (see above) are available always.
Show value with defined labelwithLabelLabel from ConfiForms field definition will be added as prefix before the field value
Hide if field value is emptyhideIfEmptyUseful, when you do not need to show the field when it does not have a value (in ListView/CardView)
CSS stylescssValid CSS styles (example: color:red;border:1px). Styles will be applied on a stored value.


ConfiForms IFTTT


Macro to define the integration rules for ConfiForms. Macro body is used as message body, page content or request content (depending on an action type)

Macro body totally supports referencing records, You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]. Including complex types: See "Subject for email / title for page / url for request" below for details


  • onCreated - when new record is created
  • onModified - when record is modified
  • onDeleted - when record is deleted


  • Send Email - Send email to the list of participants, defined below
  • Create Page - Creates page based on a given template
  • Make request - Performs an HTTP request (GET or POST, depending on a macro body).
  • Send Notification - Send Confluence notification
  • Create ConfiForms Entry - creates ConfiForms entry in another form


When you need to reference fields to create email body / page template / data to send to another service, you will need to use ${} notation (see detailed example at  Using IFTTT macro for integrations )


Current user is available under name "user"


    titleDEPRECATED since 3.11.x
     a more readable way to see created timestamp (Uses "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" format, if you need "created" date in another format, use Virtual functions, created.formatDate(PATTERN) to get it in the format you want). 
  • recordId - numeric ID of the record, unique within the form. If you want to reference the record always use "id" field instead

ownedBy and createdBy are now User objects and you can access all user object properties! See here: Accessing field values and properties

How to access ConfiForms metadata fields


Looking for

documentation?  This page has information for both versions

But please look at the Differences between ConfiForms server/data center and ConfiForms cloud for more details on compatibility between cloud and server/dc versions of ConfiForms

All these metadata fields, in addition to the form's defined fields (definitions), can be referenced using the "ConfiForms Field macro" in these ConfiForms macros:

  • TableView macro
  • ListView macro
  • CardView macro
  • CalendarView macro
  • PlainView macro - when you need just values from ConfiForms and want to construct you tables/HTML widgets yourself (to be used in conjunction with HTML macro, for example; and using [entry.FIELD_NAME] notation to reference field values )
  • CleanView - similar to ListView, with less capabilities but with a lot cleaner HTML generated. Useful for designing own macros (with user macros) and mising it with HTML and other macros. Supports macros insides it's body
  • ValueView macro - is self contained and shows the field value directly (no need to use "ConfiForms Field macro")

Also there is a "IFMatches" macro which can be used inside CalendarView and ListView to enable showing/hiding blocks of content based on the ConfiForms field values


Take a look at this page which demonstrates how the data can be shown: Multiple ways to show your form data in Confluence with ConfiForms

Our Backlog

ConfiForms Backlog

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
pageTitleConfiForms Backlog
registrationMessageThank you, we will contact your shortly
registrationButtonLabelRegister your feature request or contact to get support

Quick tips

  • Each form has a name and belongs to a page. Use the form's name and the Confluence page where the form is configured to reference a ConfiForms Form
  • To define the form, use the ConfiForms Form and Field Definition macros
  • To  enable registrations  and display the formuse the ConfiForms Registration Control macro
  • To display the form with its own layout , use the ConfiForms Registration Control  macro body as a container for the form's design, placing ConfiForms Field  macros in the container that define the form's fields
  • To enable data edits use ConfiForms Edit Controls with  ConfiForms TableView, ListViewCalendarView or CardView macros  
  • To add convenient viewer to your data use ConfiForms Entity Viewer with  ConfiForms TableView, ListViewCalendarView or CardView macro  
  • To send email from ConfiForm, use an IFTTT macro placed inside the ConfiForms Form macro
  • To display saved data, use the ConfiForms TableView, ListView, CalendarView, CardView or ValueView macro
  • To customize the output , use the CSS rules for ConfiForms Fields macro
  • To configure dependent fields and relations between fields, use the ConfiForms Field Definition Rules macro 
  • To aggregate and merge the data from different ConfiForms Forms, use the ConfiForms TableView Merger macro

Take a look also at conceptual view over all macros from ConfiForms app - ConfiForms app detailed view over the plugin macros

Excerpt Include
ConfiForms app detailed view over the plugin macros
ConfiForms app detailed view over the plugin macros

Macro documentation

ConfiForms Form (Definition)


The main macro to define the entry form and its rules

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the form being created. This name be unique within the page and use alphanumeric characters [a-z, 0-9].
Registration form titleregistrationFormTitleThe title for the form to be displayed in the registration dialog.
Save button labelsaveButtonLabelThe text to display on the 'Save' button in the registration dialog.
Close button labelcloseButtonLabelThe text to display on the 'Close' button in the registration dialog.
Print button labelprintButtonLabelThe text to display on the 'Print' button in the registration dialog.
Enable full audit (DEPRECATED)enableAuditIf set, this enables a full audit, tracking all the changes made to the form and enabling a change history for versioning purposes. The form's admin users are able to see the log as a part of the admin user interface.
Secure storagesecureStorageWhen set, if a form has fields of type file then additional subpages with restricted access will be created to hold those files (as page attachments) and enable secure access. Form admins and a record original creator will have access to these attachments for download
Lock formlockedUse this flag when the ConfiForm should be locked so that additional records cannot be stored.  Admin users will still be able to manage the form's data.
Lock messagelockedMessageThe message text that will be displayed to users when the form is locked.
Enforce one entry per useruniqueByUserConfiForms will ensure that only one record per user (ownedBy) is saved.
Enforce one entry per user messageuniqueByUserMessageMessage text to show when a user attempts to register more than one entry and 'One entry per user is enforced'.
Restrict record view for non-admin usersshowOnlyOwnRecordsThis parameter limits access for non-admin users so that only records owned by the user will be visible to this user. Admin users will still have access to all records.
Read-only after registrationreadonlyAfterRegistrationThis sets the form to be read-only once the user has submitted it. Users who have not yet submitted the form will still be able to do so.
Read-only messagereadonlyAfterRegistrationMessageWhen the 'Read-only after registration' parameter is set and the user has submitted the form, this text will be displayed.
Track maximum capacity (records number)maxCapacityThe maximum number of records that ConfiForms will allow to be submitted.
Maximum capacity messagemaxCapacityMessageWhen the 'Track maximum capacity' flag is set and the maximum number of records has been reached, this text will be displayed.
Allow data export and enable searchexportUse this parameter to enable data export for non-admin users.  The "Enable export" parameter on the TableView macro must also be set. This also enables form's data to be searchable via Confluence search.
Enable form's ''Print'' buttonprintEnabledThis parameter will enable a print button on the form.
Show editable fields in Print viewprintEditableWhen this parameter is set, the form's fields will be displayed as editable entries in the Print view.  When not set, the fields will be shown as read-only labels.
Additional form admin user names (or groups)additionalFormAdminsA comma-separated list of user names / user groups that should be treated as the form's administrators.  This parameter can be used to lock the form's configuration but enable full control over the form's data to certain users.
Anonymous formanonymousInputEnabling anonymous input for your form will allow you to create records anonymously (createBy and ownedBy fields are not set. Records could be modified only by Form admins)
Disable page re-indexdisablePageIndexWhen checked, the page with ConfiForms Form will not be reindexed (for search) on every entry modification.
Allow data reads for a user with no read access allowReadsWhen set, the data stored with ConfiForms on this page will be accessible by a user even if a user does not have view permissions on the page
Enable form autocompleteautocompleteUses browser based autocomplete feature for field values
Enable form debug modedebugModeWhen you have IFTTTs in your form and you want to see the execution log and order. Please be aware that you need to enable the logging as described here as well
ConfiForms Field Definition


The macro to use inside the ConfiForms Form macro to define the form's fields, their types, and behaviour.

Field namefieldNameA required parameter which allows alphanumeric values; the name must be unique within the confluence page.
LabelfieldLabelThe label to be shown with a form element (for example, the caption for a button, the title for input fields, or the header when used in a ConfiForms Field in TableView or CardView).
RequiredrequiredIf this parameter is set, ConfiForms will ensure the field has a value and validate the user's input.

Field type



The field's type which defines how data can be entered in the field (datepickers for dates, dropdowns, etc.) according to these definitions:

Please see Accessing field values and properties on details how to access field's properties and what properties are available for each field type

Text 4.3+A simple text input field.
Action Button4.3+Action button to update the entry when in "view mode". Easy to implement quick notifications when used together with IFTTT module
Attachments Picker5.1+Convenient way for connecting ConfiForms records with attachments (stored either on the same page or on a configured page)
Autolink 4.3+This type creates automatic links to resources based on a defined pattern. When used with an IFTTT macro to create pages, autolinks can reference the record owner as [owner]; the record modifier, as [modifier]; and any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME] (except , which is not available when a record is about to be created)
Autonumber 4.3+

This type makes the field's value an auto-incremented number assigned automatically to each record. You can control how the number is displayed by using a mask (prefix) and an initial number. See Text masks and masked input. 

The pattern could be given as,%20java.lang.Object...)


On highly concurrent systems you might see duplicate values for the autonumber (Duplicate values for internal recordId field,  in fact) 

ConfiForms does not guarantee uniqueness. 

To fix the issue please use the following service method on your form to remove duplicates (duplicates will get new IDs)

Code Block

See more on Release Notes#Version2.0.15


(tracking record soource)

4.3+This field type records the source page where the record was submitted.
Calculated4.3+This type sets the value for the field based on an expression which can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier, as [modifier]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]. Important: the value is calculated only when an entry is created. See the "Formula" field type for a field which is recalculated on each edit. See Supported math operators, formulas and functions.
Captcha5.1+Captcha field to prevent and fight "spam" and auto-submits
Checkbox 4.3+Display the field as a checkbox.
Checkbox group 4.3+Displays the field's options as a group of checkboxes.

A field to hold multiple comments (can be also enabled with anonymous user commenting on your record)


Comments are READONLY. You or your users, can only append new comments to the record.

Editing the ConfiForms record with a comment field and saving it will APPEND the comment typed to the list of existing comments for this record


Update: Since Release Notes#Version2.16.9 there is a way to delete comments (by comment writer or by form's administrator)

Confluence Multi-label5.1+Provides a list of Confluence labels to pick from
Currency5.0+A field to represent money, with currency symbol and in a desired format
Date 5.0+This type provides a datepicker that stores data in the format specified in Confluence's general settings for Date Format.
Datetime 5.0+A datepicker with time control to store data in the format specified in Confluence's general settings for Date Time Format.
Datetime interval5.0+Datepicker which enables you to select 2 dates, start and end, could be used on CalendarView to show time periods / events
Database Dropdown5.1+Same as simple dropdown, but backed up by the resultset from your database query. Your query must return 2 columns where first will be taken as ID and second will be used as field label
Database Dropdown (advanced)5.1+Same as advanced dropdown but backed by database rows
Database Multi-select5.1+Same as simple multi-select, but backed up by the resultset from your database query. Your query must return 2 columns where first will be taken as ID and second will be used as field label
Database Checkbox5.1+Same as simple checkbox, but backed up by the resultset from your database query. Your query must return 2 columns where first will be taken as ID and second will be used as field label
Database Radio group5.1+Same as simple radio group, but backed up by the resultset from your database query. Your query must return 2 columns where first will be taken as ID and second will be used as field label
Database Smart Classifier5.1+Same as Smart classifier but backed up by YOUR database (available since version 1.24)
Database Row Referencing Field5.0+Allows you to link a database record to the particular field / record in ConfiForms. As this is a "rich field" it means you can access through this field any linked data from your database record
Database Dynamic Multi-label5.1+Allows you to set up lookups agains your database/table and assign labels to the field of this type
Drawing canvas  4.3+A field type for capturing simple drawings such as 'wet signatures,' for example.
Dropdown 4.3+This field type creates a drop-down list (or combobox) for capturing user input.
Dropdown (advanced)5.1+A dropdown with a filtering field to make lookups. Useful with large number of choices
Dynamic Dropdown (auto-suggest field)4.3+This one offers a dynamic drop-down list (or combobox) in which the values can be pre-defined or referenced from another form; it includes an option for users to enter their own values.
Dynamic Dropdown (auto-suggest field) - Database5.1+Dynamic dropdown field with the choices served from a database query. Make sure you have a column ID in your query, and it is unique - this will be used as identifier and stored in ConfiForms for later lookups. You can have multiple columns returned. All values then can be referenced through this field and shown in ConfiForms views. Second column will be used as a label for a dropdown choice
Dynamic Dropdown (auto-suggest field) - Webservice5.1+Dynamic dropdown field with the choices served from a database query. Make sure you have a column ID in your query, and it is unique - this will be used as identifier and stored in ConfiForms for later lookups. You can have multiple columns returned. All values then can be referenced through this field and shown in ConfiForms views. Second column will be used as a label for a dropdown choice
Dynamic Multi-label5.1+This controls behaves similarly to Confluence labels, and allows setting multiple labels to one field. List of labels could be dynamic and you can even set it to reference itself, meaning that when a new label is entered in current form it will be immediately available for lookup
Enroll button 5.0+This field type enables one-click record storage.
File/Attachment4.3+This type provides a way to upload files and images. Uploads will be stored as attachments on the page where the ConfiForms form is defined.
Formula4.3+This field type sets the value for the field based on an expression which can reference the record owner as [owner], a record modifier as [modifier]; and any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]. Important: this value is calculated every time an entry is updated (and created). See the "Calculated" type if the field should NOT recalculated on each edit. See Supported math operators, formulas and functions.
Html4.3+raw HTML content
Hidden 4.3+This type provides for a concealed constant value to be stored with the record.
Hidden Html4.3+Hidden raw HTML content
Insight object 5.1+Integrations with Riada Insight plugin to reference Insight object and bring access to all it's properties
Insight object (multi-select) 5.1+Same as above, but allows you to reference multiple objects in one ConfiForms field
Insight objects dropdown 5.1+Provides you with capability to build a dropdown over the Insight's types and objects
IP Address tracking5.1+Hidden field to track user's IP address and save it together with form entry data
Iranian Calendar5.1+Shows Iranian calendar as a data/datetime field control. There are Virtual functions to convert the data between the calendars
Information panel (readonly)5.1+Similar to "Section" field - this field is not stored in the dataset but used for informational purposes. Can be of 3 types: info, warning and error. Intended use case is to use together with ConfiForms Field Definition Rules to show the field on the form conditionally, based on the values in other fields, to help/guide the users better while they fill in your forms
Link 4.3+Creates an easy link for you. Convenient way to set up the links that can be stored in the form's dataset and opened in a new tab (when necessary)
Markdown editor 5.1+

Allows you to have contents in a field in a markdown and Atlassian markup (2 options).

Value is rendered as HTML when in "view".

Masked Text4.3+This type provides a way to mask (or constrain the format of characters entered) in a text field.  For example, a mask of 00/00/0000 will format the entry in this way: 23/12/2014.  See Text masks and masked input to learn more about defining a mask.
Multi-select 5.1+This type stores multiple values for the field.
Numeric4.3+Same as text field but is converted to number when used in sorting/ordering
Numeric hidden4.3+Same as numeric but hidden (useful when calculations and later filtering should be applied over the datasets)
Jira issue4.3+

This field type provides a means to reference a JIRA issue. It requires an application link between Confluence and JIRA.

When issue by key is found you can access some of it's properties:

  • title can be accessed via name "summary" as well

See more details on Accessing field values and properties


From ConfiForms version 1.30 - you can access ANY property of the JSON returned by JIRA

The syntax is as described in detail here: Using Field Definition Rule to request data from JIRA and set it to ConfiForms fields

The tutorial is for Field rules, but the idea and the concept on how to access the data returned by JIRA is the same

JIRA issues (multi-select)5.1+

Allows you to reference multiple JIRA issues with one ConfiForms field

You can access any property from the referenced JIRA issue. Before doing so you need to convert a field to JIRA issue object internally, using Virtual functions called asJIRAIssue

For example:

Code Block

Will print a title for each JIRA issue referenced with this field

Jira Select Field



  • since 3.13 (Data Center)
  • cloud

Allows you to connect a Jira field that has values defined for the field as a field in ConfiForms.

Automatically supports 

  • Multi-select fields (including checkboxes, but will be rendered as a multi-select dropdown)
  • Single choice dropdowns
  • Cascading dropdowns (will render 2 levels dependent dropdowns)
JIRA JQL5.1+Expects you to put a valid JQL, which will be executed for you and a number of matching issues will be shown (together with the link to JIRA search)
Page/Blog post 4.3+This type permits the field to reference a Confluence page or blog post.
Page/Blog post (multi-select)5.1+

Allows you to reference multiple pages in one ConfiForms field.

Before accessing properties of the referenced pages you will need to use virtual function called asPage to transform field values to a Page object

Password 5.0+A type for passwords which obscures the characters being entered.
Radio group 4.3+

This type provides for a group of radio buttons, which allow the user to choose a single exclusive option.  This type can be especially useful with surveys.

Readonly4.3+Looks like a text field but is readonly to the user, might have a default value. Usually used with ConfiForms Field Definition Rules which set's value to this field
Section 4.3+This is a section placeholder to separate fields into groups on the form.
Security group 5.1+

Field lists security groups available in your Confluence to pick from

You can restrict the groups in the list if necessary

Security group (multi) 5.1+Same as above, but allows multiple security groups to be associated with a field
Simple date 4.3+This type offers 3-part drop-down lest (year, month, and day) for easy date selection.
Smart classifier 4.3+This sophisticated field type allows users to enter data based on a stored structured dataset and the deep structure can be defined as needed.

Smart Dropdown

Smart Dropdown (advanced)

Smart Multiselect

Smart Radio buttons

Smart Checkbox






These types provide ways to reference the data from other ConfiForm forms, either another form's drop-down values, or records stored directly (see the flag 'Reference to values').

Smart multi-row

Since ConfiForms version 3.0 and cloud

ConfiForms Smart Multi-row - what it offers and how to use it

Available since ConfiForms version 2.21.x

List of spaces (current user has 'view' access to)

Status 5.0+

This field type permits easy grouping and presentation for entered data. Each status level is color-coded to foreground data groupings.


Filtering by the status field can be a bit complex because each color has a constant value which is stored with the data according to this pattern:

<span class="status-macro aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-moved" style="background-color: #815b3a !important; border-color: #815b3a !important;color: #fff !important;"> MOVED</span>

Please be ware that the coloring scheme may be different in your Confluence installation. See to match the color of the "status" field with the constant it is represented by

Current colouring scheme in our Confluence as of now (live example)

ConfiForms TableView


ConfiForms Form Definition




However, as the status field is actually a dropdown with values, the texts you specify for the dropdown field choices are accessible through the "label" property.

Code Block
mystatusfield.label:My Text for label

See Accessing field values and properties

Storage format5.1+The field can hold and render the storage format (other macros)
Time5.1+Field to store time
Timestamp5.1+Field to store a timestamp (in epoch format)
Textarea 4.3+This type provides a textarea for user input.
User 4.3+This field type enables reference to users in the Confluence system.  Entering initial letters of a username will automatically provide a list of suggested users.
User (multiselect) 5.1+Like the User type, this one allows selection of multiple users.
Voting control5.0+Enables quick voting control (renders as a button in "view mode" and rendered as "user picker" in "edit mode")
Version5.1+Enables "versionable" record. This means the data will be checked before saving if it has been changed in between

Webservice-backed object referencing field

Webservice dropdown

Webservice dropdown (advanced)

Webservice multi-select

Webservice Dynamic Multi-label

Webservice checkbox

Webservice radio group


Groups of fields, similar to smart/db fields, but enabling you to connect to web services and show the data from webservices in ConfiForms fields

For example to show components from Jira - Building a dropdown field in ConfiForms backed by webservice call to Jira Rest API - createmeta

WYSIWYG 5.0+ (on 4.3 this controls is shown as textarea)This field type provides a simple editor that supports basic formatting styles.

* The Compatibility column shows the Confluence version number with which this field type is compatible.


Please be aware that since 2.4, ConfiForms is compatible with Confluence versions 6.0+

Compatibility shown here for the field types is for historical reasons only.

Check out the Accessing field values and properties document which explains how to use each field type in "views", to show the data

Field descriptionfieldDescriptionThis parameter provides a caption text for the field that is visible below the field.
VisibilityrestrictionsUse this parameter to limit a field's visibility to selected users or groups.  It accepts a comma-separated list of group and users and can be left blank if there are no restrictions.
EditabilityeditRestrictionsLike the Visibility parameter, this one limits who can edit the field, again using a comma-separated list of group or user names; can also be left blank if there are no restrictions.
CSS stylescssThis parameter can contain the CSS rules that should be applied to the field's input.  Adjust the CSS rules on the ConfiForms Field macro to customize the field's output.
Validation rulesvalidationA regular expression to validate the field's input; see detailed documentation at Automatic validation for your fields.
Validation messagevalidationMessageA message to be displayed when validation fails; if this is not specified, a standard message will be shown.
ConfiForms Registration Control


This macro defines how the form is displayed (as a pop-up dialog or embedded in the page) and the form's behaviour when submitted. Multiple 'Registration Controls' that use the same form (form definition) can be placed on one or multiple pages.

When the macro has a body defined, the fields in the body will be used as inputs for the form layout. To enable WYSIWYG mode, make sure that "ConfiForm Field" macros are in the body of the "ConfiForms Registration Control" macro. ConfiForm Field macros and text can be styled as needed.

If the "ConfiForms Registration Control" macro is not defined (empty), a default layout will be used (either as a table or a card with key-value fields).

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm to which this registration control should be linked. This parameter is required when the macro is used by itself (not inside the ConfiForms Form macro).  The name parameter can be skipped when the macro is configured inside the ConfiForms Form macro, and if not defined, the form name is automatically assigned.
Location page namepageTitleThe name of the page on which the form is defined if not the current one; leave this blank if the form is defined on the same page.
Embedded or Dialog?embeddedCheck this option to have the form embedded on the page, uncheck to display the form as a pop-up dialog.
Use the layout from main 'ConfiForms Registration Control'regControlLayoutWhen set, ConfiForms will try to find the Registration Control from ConfiForms Form macro and will try to use that for rendering the view dialog.
Registration button labelregistrationButtonLabelThe text to be displayed on the dialog opener button (when form is in dialog mode).
Override Form dialog's 'Save' buttonoverrideSaveButtonLabelNow you can override Form's default button caption for saving the records.
Override label for form 'Close' buttonoverrideCloseButtonLabelOverride Form's default button caption for closing the dialog window.
Override label for form 'Print' buttonoverridePrintButtonLabelOverride Form's default button caption for printing.
Post save messageregistrationMessageThe text to be displayed after a record been created.
Confirmation message to show before form submitconfirmationMessageConfirmation message to show before form submit. Leave blank if you don't want to have a confirmation dialog to be shown before form submit.
Key-value request parameterspresetValues

This parameter provides a way to preset values for certain fields in the form.  These are listed as key-value pairs, separated by & (as request parameters) where the ''key'' is a ConfiForms Field name and the ''value'' is the data to be preset for the field.

You can also pre-set some values from a context:

  • [now] - to set current date/time on the date/time field
  • [] - current logged-in username (if anonymous access then "Anonymous" will be set)
  • [user.fullName] - current logged-in user's full name (if anonymous access then "Anonymous" will be set)
  • [] - current logged-in user's email (if anonymous access then "" will be set as email)

use it like key=value, for example mydt=[now]

Also, supports referencing "this" for "user" and "page" fields.


Code Block

will reference current page (when field "mypage" is of type "page or autopage")

Enable auto enrollautoenrollUse this parameter when the form has preset values (key-value pairs) and can be auto submitted. Because the form can have multiple registration controls, the auto enroll can be combined with predefined data to enable one-click submissions, for example, to capture yes/no feedback.
Valid redirect URLredirectUrlAn optional location to which the user will be redirected after a successful ''save'' operation. This parameter supports parameters and references to record fields: the record owner can be referenced as [owner]; the record modifier as [modifier]; and any record field can be referenced as [entry.FIELD_NAME].
Open redirect URL in a new window/tabredirectUrlOpensInNewOpen redirect URL in a new window/tab
CSS stylescssCSS rules to be applied to the Register button when the form is displayed as a pop-up dialog (when the form is embedded in the page, this button is not shown).
Visible only to groups/usersrestrictionsThis parameter accepts a comma-separated list of groups and users to which this field will be visible. Leave this parameter blank if there are no restrictions.
Hide control when stored data matches this criteriahideIfMatches ALL ConfiForms entries stored by the form referenced will be concealed when the items in this parameter are matched in the entry. The control itself will be hidden when the condition/filter given is met, and this parameter uses the same syntax as in filters .
Reverse criteriareverseReverses condition defined in "Hide control when stored data matches this criteria"
Field errorsreportFieldErrorsErrors will be reported also with a message shown next to the field.
Form heightformHeightForm height (in pixels, number only). Leave blank if you are fine to have an automatic form's height calculation.
Form widthformWidthForm width (in pixels, number only). Leave blank if you are fine to have an automatic form's width calculation.
Execute custom JavaScript function after the form is loadedafterLoadInitPut the name of the JavaScript function you want to execute. You can have 'formId' as parameter in this function to receive form element id. Confluence administrators could disable scripts execution in ConfiForms app settings.
ConfiForms Edit Controls


This macro defines the behaviour of the Edit control for ConfiForms ListView and TableView.

Inline edit or in dialoginlineDefines how the record edit should be done: through a dialog or inline on the page.
Displays controls in compact modecompactModeIn compact mode ConfiForms edit controls are rendered as a dropdown menu, not buttons.
Display Edit and Delete buttonsshowBothThis parameter can be configured to conceal the 'Delete' action for non-administrative users, or to display both Edit and Delete. To conceal both Edit and Delete, do not define the 'ConfiForms Edit Controls' macro.
Display Copy buttonshowCopyShows "Copy" button, enables easy copying of records / duplication. Disabled by default.
Hide edit buttonhideEditWhen enabled, the "Edit" button will not be shown (for example, when only "Delete" needs to be shown, as a requirement).
Use the layout of Registration Control (from form)regControlLayoutYou can point "Edit controls" macro to reference a default ConfiForms Registrations Control macro layout (ConfiForms Registration Control macro MUST be inside the ConfiForms Form Definition macro body in order for this macro to find it and pick it's layout correctly).
Label for Edit buttoneditButtonLabelThe text to display on the edit button.
Label for Delete buttondeleteButtonLabelThe text to display on the delete button, which is actually a link in the user interface.
Label for Copy buttoncopyButtonLabelThe text to display on the copy button.
Label for Cancel buttoncancelButtonLabelThe text to display on the cancel button.
Post update messageupdateMessageThe text to display after a record has been updated.
Redirect URLredirectUrlYou can specify custom redirect URL to be shown after the 'save' operation completes. Could be constructed dynamically. You can reference record owner as [owner]; record modifier as [modifier]; current user as [user]; any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]; you can reference page watchers as [watchers]. You can use @self to stay on current page.
Open redirect URL in a new window/tabredirectUrlOpensInNewOpen redirect URL in a new window/tab.
CSS stylescssCSS rules to be applied on the control (when used inside the table you can specify the width it occupies).
Visible only to groups/usersrestrictionsThis parameter accepts a comma-separated list of groups and users to which this field will be visible. Leave this parameter blank if there are no restrictions.
Hide control when stored data matches this criteriahideIfMatches The current ConfiForms entry stored by the form referenced will be concealed when the items in this parameter are matched in the entry. The control itself will be hidden when the condition/filter given is met, and this parameter uses the same syntax as in filters
Reverse criteriareverseReverses condition defined in "Hide control when stored data matches this criteria".
Form heightformHeightForm height (in pixels, number only). Leave blank if you are fine to have an automatic form's height calculation. Only works for non-inline edit mode.
Form widthformWidthForm width (in pixels, number only). Leave blank if you are fine to have an automatic form's width calculation. Only works for non-inline edit mode.
ConfiForms TableView


The macro to display stored data as a table, with instant search, filtering, and data sorting/ordering.

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form that TableView will use.
Form Location pagepageTitleThe name of the page on which the form is defined if not the current one; leave this blank if the form is defined on the same page. You can use @parent to reference a parent page.
FilterfilterThe filter to be applied to the stored dataset; see detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/Sorting rulessortRules for ordering and sorting the returned dataset; see detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms   and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

Enable instant searchenableSearchThis parameter adds a search input field above the table to enable quick searching and filtering of the stored data.
Enable inline individual editsenableGridEditWhen enabled, a user with sufficient permissions will be able to edit the cell data inline (by double clicking on the table cell holding the value). NOT COMPATIBLE when a view has Edit Controls / Entry Viewer!
Enable support for a filterenableFilterSupportAdds a "DIV" element around the rendered table, so the ConfiForms Filter macro will be able to find it on the page (In some cases you need a pure table to be rendered, as when used inside the chart macro, therefore this setting is set to false by default)
Enable 'Add new record' inline buttonenableInlineAddEnables users to have a button to add records inline (without a need to have to open the form's dialog window).
Caption for 'Add new record' inline buttoninlineAddButtonLabelText caption for 'Add new record' inline button.
PaginationpagerA parameter to enable displaying records in sets (for example, in groups of 1, 25, 50, 100, or 200 per page); if not configured then all stored records are shown.
Override 'Hide if empty' parametershowEmptyValuesOverride 'Hide if empty' parameter on fields and force to show empty values.
Enable exportexportThis parameter provides a way for non-administrative users to download the returned data in CSV, XML, or JSON formats.  While the form's administrative users can always export ConfiForms data with the administrative interface, they should enable data export for non-administrative users with the 'Allow data export' parameter in the ConfiForms form macro.
Comma separated list of fields to exportexportFieldsComma separated list of fields to export. You can put rich properties. When left empty the default list fields list is taken.
Scrollable tableswrappedThis parameter provides scroll bars for larger tables by applying CSS style rules.
When wrapping is enabled you can limit the scrollingenableScrollingWhenWrappedWhen wrapping is enabled you can limit the scrolling. Effective only when wrapping into scrollable container is enabled.
CSS stylescssUse this parameter to customize CSS styling for the table to be generated; to apply a CSS class prefix the ruleset with 'class:'
Striped table renderingwithHighlightingThis parameter enables highlighting alternate rows in a table.
Message to show when dataset is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyMessage to show when dataset is empty. Leave empty if you do not want to show any message.
Show number of records in the footershowRecordsCountShows number of records in the footer.
Label to use for showing number of recordsshowRecordsCountLabelText for label for showing number of records in the footer.
Merge action buttons into one columnmergeActionButtonsBy default action buttons, as any other fields in ConfiForms use own column to render the output.
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.
ConfiForms ListView


This macro displays your stored data in WYSIWYG view (it also supports filtering and data sorting/ordering).

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form TableView should use.
Form Location pagepageTitleThe location of the page on which the form is defined; leave blank if the form is on the same page.
FilterfilterA parameter for selecting records from the dataset; see detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters   and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/SortingsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms  and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

Enable instant searchenableSearchThis parameter adds a search input field above the table to enable quick searching and filtering of the stored data.
Enable 'Add new record' inline buttonenableInlineAddEnables users to have a button to add records inline (without a need to have to open the form's dialog window).
Caption for 'Add new record' inline buttoninlineAddButtonLabelText caption for 'Add new record' inline button.
PaginationpagerA parameter to enable displaying records in sets (for example, in groups of 1, 25, 50, 100, or 200 per page); if not configured then all stored records are shown.
Enable inline individual editsinlineEditWhen enabled, a user with sufficient permissions will be able to edit the data inline (by double clicking on the value).
Enable exportexportThis parameter provides a way for non-administrative users to download the returned data in CSV, XML, or JSON formats.  While the form's administrative users can always export ConfiForms data with the administrative interface, they should enable data export for non-administrative users with the 'Allow data export' parameter in the ConfiForms form macro.
Comma separated list of fields to exportexportFieldsComma separated list of fields to export. You can put rich properties. When left empty the default list fields list is taken.
CSS stylescssUse this parameter to customize CSS styling for the table to be generated; to apply a CSS class prefix the ruleset with 'class:'
Message to show when dataset is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyMessage to show when dataset is empty. Leave empty if you do not want to show any message.
Show number of records in the footershowRecordsCountShows number of records in the footer.
Label to use for showing number of recordsshowRecordsCountLabelText for label for showing number of records in the footer.
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.
ConfiForms CleanView


This macro is very similar to ConfiForms ListView, but renders a more lightweight and cleaner output, allowing you to have better control over the rendered output (it also supports filtering and data sorting/ordering).

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form TableView should use.
Form Location pagepageTitleThe location of the page on which the form is defined; leave blank if the form is on the same page.
FilterfilterA parameter for selecting records from the dataset; see detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters   and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/SortingsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms  and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

Message to show when dataset is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyMessage to show when dataset is empty. Leave empty if you do not want to show any message.

Enable support for a filter

enableFilterSupportAdds a "DIV" element around the rendered table, so the ConfiForms Filter macro will be able to find it on the page (In some cases you need a pure table to be rendered, as when used inside the chart macro, therefore this setting is set to false by default)
Enable inline individual editsinlineEditWhen enabled, a user with sufficient permissions will be able to edit the data inline (by double clicking on the value).
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.
How the contents shall be renderedrenderAsAllows to select how the contents of form will be rendered as default, table or div.
ConfiForms PlainView


This macro displays your stored data in plain view (it also supports filtering and data sorting/ordering).

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form TableView should use.
Form Location pagepageTitleThe location of the page on which the form is defined; leave blank if the form is on the same page.
FilterfilterA parameter for selecting records from the dataset; see detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters   and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/SortingsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms  and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

Message to show when dataset is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyMessage to show when dataset is empty.

Enable support for a filter

enableFilterSupportAdds a "DIV" element around the rendered table, so the ConfiForms Filter macro will be able to find it on the page (In some cases you need a pure table to be rendered, as when used inside the chart macro, therefore this setting is set to false by default)
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.
How the contents shall be renderedrenderAsAllows to select how the contents of form will be rendered as default, table, div or data.
ConfiForms CardView


This macro displays your stored data as a vertical table (or card) with instant search, filtering, and data sorting/ordering.

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form that CardView should use.
Form Location pagepageTitleA parameter to store the page where the form has been defined; this should be left blank if the form is defined on the same page
FiltersfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/Sorting rulessortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

Instant searchenableSearchAdds a search input field above the table to enable quick search and filtering of stored data.
Enable inline individual editsenableGridEditWhen enabled, a user with sufficient permissions will be able to edit the cell data inline (by double clicking on the table cell holding the value). NOT COMPATIBLE when a view has Edit Controls / Entry Viewer!
Enable support for a filterenableFilterSupportAdds a "DIV" element around the rendered table, so the ConfiForms Filter macro will be able to find it on the page (In some cases you need a pure table to be rendered, as when used inside the chart macro, therefore this setting is set to false by default).
Enable 'Add new record' inline buttonenableInlineAddEnables users to have a button to add records inline (without a need to have to open the form's dialog window).
Caption for 'Add new record' inline buttoninlineAddButtonLabelText caption for 'Add new record' inline button.
PaginationpagerA parameter to enable displaying records in sets (for example, in groups of 1, 25, 50, 100, or 200 per page); if not configured then all stored records are shown.
Override 'Hide if empty' parametershowEmptyValuesOverride 'Hide if empty' parameter on fields and force to show empty values.
Enable exportexportThis parameter provides a way for non-administrative users to download the returned data in CSV, XML, or JSON formats.  While the form's administrative users can always export ConfiForms data with the administrative interface, they should enable data export for non-administrative users with the 'Allow data export' parameter in the ConfiForms form macro.
Comma separated list of fields to exportexportFieldsComma separated list of fields to export. You can put rich properties. When left empty the default list fields list is taken.
Scrollable tableswrappedThis parameter provides scroll bars for larger tables by applying CSS style rules.
When wrapping is enabled you can limit the scrollingenableScrollingWhenWrappedWhen wrapping is enabled you can limit the scrolling. Effective only when wrapping into scrollable container is enabled.
CSS stylescssUse this parameter to customize CSS styling for the table to be generated; to apply a CSS class prefix the ruleset with 'class:'
Message to show when dataset is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyMessage to show when dataset is empty.
Show number of records in the footershowRecordsCountShows number of records in the footer.
Label to use for showing number of recordsshowRecordsCountLabelText for label for showing number of records in the footer.
Merge action buttons into one columnmergeActionButtonsBy default action buttons, as any other fields in ConfiForms use own column to render the output.
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.
ConfiForms CalendarView


This macro displays your stored data in a calendar view.

Name of the field to use as a grouping field fro calendargroupingFieldNameMust be of type Date/Datetime/Datetime interval or field value returns a timestamp
ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form that CardView should use.
Form Location pagepageTitleA parameter to store the page where the form has been defined; this should be left blank if the form is defined on the same page
FiltersfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/Sorting rulessortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

PaginationpagerA parameter to enable displaying records in sets (for example, in groups of 1, 25, 50, 100, or 200 per page); if not configured then all stored records are shown.
CSS stylescssUse this parameter to customize CSS styling for the table to be generated; to apply a CSS class prefix the ruleset with 'class:'
ConfiForms Field name to use as calendar event titleeventTitleFieldNameValue of this field will be used as calendar event title in the Calendar view (as always, you can use [entry.FIELD_NAME] notation to reference field values). When left empty, ConfiForms will try to figure out it for you automatically based on the CalendarView macro body.
Calendar panel titlepanelTitleHeader text to show on the calendar entries panel.
Default datedefaultDateYou can override the initial date (day and month) in the CalendarView. Expects the date in ISO8601 format. Example: 2016-02-21
Body placementplacementYou can have a calendar rendered for you on the Left, Right, as Calendar only or in a Dialog mode
View mode for calendarviewModeVarious modes to render your calendar:  Month, Week, Day. User is able to switch between modes. This defines how the calendar is rendered initially
Next day threshold in month viewnextDayThresholdWhen month view is shown, and the event has an end date set, the calendar will span the event to next day if event's time is after this threshold
Weekday from which to start calendardayOfWeekStartBy default, user locale settings are taken. 
Show detailed view on click in read-only modereadonlyViewOnClickBy default events are shown in edit mode, if a user has enough permissions to edit a particular record.
Disable showing 'detailed view on event click'disableViewOnClickWhen checked the detailed view will not be shown.
Show delete button on detailed viewviewAndDeleteOnClickShows the 'Delete' button on detailed view.
Label for delete buttonviewAndDeleteOnClickLabelCaption text for 'Delete' button. 
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.

ConfiForms ValueView


This macro displays your stored data in a simple field view

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm form that CardView should use.
Form Location pagepageTitleA parameter to store the page where the form has been defined; this should be left blank if the form is defined on the same page
Field name or expression*fieldNameName of the field defined on the form or context field, or an expression, like [count] (and variants) or [total]. Also you can use virtual functions here.
FiltersfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Ordering/Sorting rulessortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms and/or in the tutorials.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank. The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter.

Field labelwithLabelThe label from the ConfiForms field definition will be added as message before the field value.
Override output formatoverrideFormatYou can specify you own format to be used when field value is shown - expects Java Number Format pattern. See some examples in Virtual functions (formatting currency and formatting number)
Hide if  emptyhideIfEmptyUse this parameter in order to conceal a field when its stored value is blank
Hide field when stored data (for given record) matches this criteriahideIfMatches Same syntax expected as in filters.
Reverse criteriareverseReverses condition defined in "Hide control when stored data matches this criteria".
Enable inline individual editsinlineEditWhen enabled, a user with sufficient permissions will be able to edit the data inline (by double clicking on the value).
Output field value in a raw formatshowRawYou can use virtual functions here to prepare the raw value according to your requirements.
CSS stylescssUse this parameter to customize CSS styling for the table to be generated; to apply a CSS class prefix the ruleset with 'class:'
Message to show then field value is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyDefault message to show when field value is empty
Message to show when filter matches no resultsvalueToShowWhenEmptyLeave blank if nothing shall be shown when the filter matches no results
Output typeoutput-typeINLINE or BLOCK. Renders macro output inline or as a block (div).
ConfiForms Form Field


This macro defines a field to be displayed within the ConfiForms TableView, ListView, or CardView macros

Field namefieldNameThe name of the field defined on the form referenced. The macro's preview mode displays the field names stored within the form. The ConfiForm metadata fields are available always as well (see above).
Field labelwithLabelThe label from the ConfiForms field definition will be added as a prefix before the field value.
Override field label defaultsoverrideLabelWhen left empty the label for the field is taken from ConfiForms Field Definition for this field, here you can override it
Override output formatoverrideFormatYou can specify you own format to be used when field value is shown - expects Java Number Format pattern. See some examples in Virtual functions (formatting currency and formatting number)
Apply filter on choicesfilterRelevant only for dropdown fields (single or multi-select (simple, smart, db)). Filter is applied on the dataset this field is connected to (in case of smart/db fields). Same as in 'Apply filter' rule.
Show label on own lineshowLabelOnOwnLineTo be used when 'Show value with label' is set to true and you need a label to be placed on own line.
Hide if  emptyhideIfEmptyUse this parameter in order to conceal a field when its stored value is blank, as in ListView or CardView, for example.
Hide field when stored data (for given record) matches this criteriahideIfMatches Same syntax expected as in filters.
Reverse criteriareverseReverses condition defined in "Hide control when stored data matches this criteria".
Do not show description with the fielddontShowDescriptionThis is sometimes needed when you are building your very own layout for the form and want to control just about everything.
CSS stylescssThis parameter provides a way to apply CSS styles (for example: color:red; border:1px) to the field. Styles will be applied on stored values on output.
Disable inline editdisableInlineEditYou can disable inline edits for this particular field when inline edits are enabled for the whole view.
Message to show when a field value is emptymessageToShowWhenEmptyDefault value to show when field value is empty.
Output typeoutput-typeINLINE or BLOCK. Renders macro output inline or as a block (div).
ConfiForms IFTTT Integration Rules 


 This macro defines the integration rules for ConfiForms forms and is to be placed inside ConfiForms Form macro body. The macro body is used as the message body, task content, javascript snippet, page content, or request content, depending on the action type selected.

The macro body completely supports referencing records, including the record owner as [owner], the record modifier as [modifier], and any record field as [entry.FIELD_NAME]. The body can include complex types; see "Subject for email / title for page / url for request" below for details.

You can also reference existing Confluence templates to be used when IFTTT is used to create Confluence pages. To reference a template you will nee to add the following:

Code Block

The template is looked up by the name, and first in Confluence space templates and then in global templates. If found the content is added to IFTTT macro body and used as a page template

  • onCreated - when a new record is created
  • onModified - when a record is modified
  • onDeleted - when a record is deleted
Action to be performedaction

Excerpt Include
Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions and rules
Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions and rules


See more details about each action on this page: Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions

Conditionally fire the IFTTT actioncondition

A parameter in which to set the condition for activating the IFTTT action. If this parameter is left empty, the IFTTT action is always executed when the event occurs.  Conditions use the same syntax as in filters, and the scope is the current ConfiForms entry.


From ConfiForms version 1.33 - the filters are now context aware, you can reference current user and current page (using "this"). See ConfiForms Filters

Result nameresultNameYou can define your own "name" for IFTTT result, then can be refernced in next IFTTTs as ${iftttResult_YOURNAME}, where YOURNAME is the name you gave to the IFTTT result

Important: "Create ConfiForms Entry" action does not support propagation of further " Create ConfiForms Entry " actions, by default. This is to avoid infinite loops (an entry creates an entry in another form using IFTTT macro, which creates another entry in the first form, and so on). You need to set this explicitly  in the macro parameters. Please make sure you understand what you are doing, when you set this option on.

ConfiForms TableView Merger


This ConfiForms helper macro merges TableView results.

This macro takes RICH TEXT as an input to define which fields (ConfiForms Field macros) to display and which tables to merge (in the ConfiForms TableView macros). It supports expressions which can be used when aggregating the data. Learn more in TableView Merger examples.

Flatten multi-value fields before merging and aggregationflattenEntriesWhen checked, datasets will be flattened to represent each multivalue field selection as a separate and unique data row.
FilterfilterSelect records based on this configuration; see detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters   and/or in the tutorials.
Ordering/SortingsortRules for ordering or sorting entries in the dataset; see detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms   and/or in the tutorials.
Distinct filterdistinctApply distinct filter to return only unique records. Field names as comma separated list to be used as a key for applying distinct filter.
Limit a number of records returned (a number)limit

You can set the limit to the number of records returned. No limit when is blank

The same thing could be done using the filter and adding LIMIT n to the end of the filter

Instant searchenableSearchAdds a search input field above the table to enable quick search and filtering of stored data.
Enable exportexportThis parameter provides a way to download returned data in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users can always export ConfiForms data with the administrative interface. For non-admin users, the form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' in the ConfiForms form macro.
Comma separated list of fields to exportexportFieldsComma separated list of fields to export. You can put rich properties. When left empty the default list fields list is taken.
PaginationpagerA parameter to enable displaying records in sets (for example, in groups of 1, 25, 50, 100, or 200 per page); if not configured then all stored records are shown.
CSS stylescssThis parameter provides a way to apply CSS styles (for example: color:red; border:1px) to the field. Styles will be applied on stored values on output.
Striped table renderingwithHighlightingThis parameter enables highlighting every second row in a table.
Dynamic data sourcessources

Specify a pattern (search criteria) which be used as a search parameter to look for pages with ConfiForms Forms to connect as datasources for this TableView

You can see how many pages are matched in the preview mode. This will help you to understand and tune your query

Form nameformNameForm name to include when dynamic sources are given as a pattern, to reduce the discovery scope to certain forms (by name).
Filter to apply on entries dataset (for dynamically discovered sources)dynfilter
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries dataset (for dynamically discovered sources)dynsortYou can user SQL-like syntax: fieldname1 ASC, fieldname2 DESC, etc. 
Limit a number of records returned (a number) (for dynamically discovered sources)dynlimitLimit a number of records returned (a number) (for dynamically discovered sources)
Rendering moderenderModeSince version 1.19.1 we support rendering of table view merger results in 2 modes: as table (similar to TableView) and as card (similar to CardView)
Enable support for a filterenableFilterSupportAdds a "DIV" element around the rendered table, so the ConfiForms Filter macro will be able to find it on the page (In some cases you need a pure table to be rendered, as when used inside the chart macro, therefore this setting is set to false by default).
Show number of records in the footershowRecordsCountShows number of records in the footer.
Label to use for showing number of recordsshowRecordsCountLabelText for label for showing number of records in the footer.
Filter IDfilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Mapping between ConfiForms Filter macro and this view, to ensure the correct view is filtered 'Filter ID' parameter must be identical.

For examples, see the documentation in Merge and aggregation for ConfiForms  and for advanced techniques, see  Advanced aggregations in TableView Merger.


TableViewMerger macro introduces couple of metadata parameters which can be referenced through the standard ConfiForms Field macro

You can access a property which holds form name this record is coming from and page where the form is registered

  • _sourcePage - of type page
  • _sourceForm - of type text

These are the names to be used as field names for ConfiForms Field macro in TableView Merger if you need to access the metadata of the origin of the records

ConfiForms Field Definition Rules


This macro configures how ConfiForms Field Definitions are related. It supports creating complex relationships between form fields, based on selections, values entered, and so on. To be used inside the ConfiForms Form macro to define rules for Field Definitions.

Field nameactionFieldNameName of the field you want to track for changes (leave blank when you configure validation rules, as these rules are applied on form submit). Parameter supports regular expressions to affect multiple fields with the same rule. Can be given as comma separated list of fields.
ConditionconditionThis parameter defines the condition to be met in order for the action to be executed; it uses the same syntax as in filters; and the scope is the current entry/record.
Execute only on user actiononUserActionOnlyWhen checked, the rule will be executed ONLY on user's action (action is NOT executed when form is loaded), and this expects 'Field name' parameter to be specified.

Action to perform

Excerpt Include
ConfiForms Field Definition Rules
ConfiForms Field Definition Rules

With reverse rulewithReverseRuleWill create an automatic reverse rule to be applied on the field (works with show/hide fields action)
CSS Rules for ConfiForms Fields


The macro to use to display fields based on their values. To be used inside the ConfiForms TableView, ListView, CalendarView, CleanView or CardView macros.

Field value or expression to matchconditionThis parameter accepts values or expressions, similar to filters (see the detailed documentation on filters: ConfiForms Filters). The scope for filtering is the whole dataset and depends on the container macro in which this macro is used as the dataset is passed from the container macro.
Field namefieldNameThe name of the field to which the CSS styling rule(s) should be applied; if left empty, the style is applied to the row.
Conditional CSScssThis parameter accepts valid CSS styles, separated by semicolon (for example: color:red;border:1px). Styles will be applied to a field (if given) or on a row when used within a table (a CSS container div is used when in ConfiForms ListView) if the field name is not set.
ConfiForms View Control (EntryViewer)


The macro to use when you need to show all the fields for the stored entity in a readonly pop-up dialog.

Field namefieldNameName of the field defined on the form. Leave empty if you want to use just a static caption. See parameter below
Use the layout from ''ConfiForms Registration Control''regControlLayoutWill try to find the layout from a "main" ConfiForms Registration Control and use that for showing the form ("ConfiForms Registration Control" should be placed inside the ConfiForms Form macro body to be found)
Caption/label to usebuttonLabelStatic label to use for viewer field
Render astype

The control can be rendered as:

  • Button
  • Link
View modemode

How the controls in the dialog should look like

  • ReadOnly
  • Editable
VisibilityrestrictionsThis parameter accepts a comma-separated list of groups and users to which this field will be visible. Leave this parameter blank if there are no restrictions.
Hide control when stored data matches this criteriahideIfMatches Current ConfiForms entry stored by the form referenced will be concealed when the items in this parameter are matched in the entry. The control itself will be hidden when the condition/filter given is met, and this parameter uses the same syntax as in filters .
CSS stylescssThis parameter provides a way to apply CSS styles (for example: color:red; border:1px) to the field. Styles will be applied on stored values on output.
Form heightformHeightForm height (in pixels, number only). Leave blank if you are fine to have an automatic form's height calculation. Only works for non-inline edit mode.
Form widthformWidthForm width (in pixels, number only). Leave blank if you are fine to have an automatic form's width calculation. Only works for non-inline edit mode.
ConfiForms IFMatches View Helper


The macro helps you to show the content blocks based on the field values in ConfiForms records (to be used inside the ListView or CalendarView)


Evaluation method to use:

  • asVelocity
  • asFilter

ConditionconditionCondition, to match. The expression can be either a valid ConfiForms filter or a valid Velocity IF statement (you do not have to write the IF, but only the condition, which will be wrapped into IF statement for you)

Reverse the condition

Output typeoutput-typeINLINE or BLOCK. Renders macro output inline or as a block (div).

Use macro body to put the content you want to show/hide depending on the specified condition

ConfiForms Dynamic Filter


The macro helps you to create dynamic filters for your ConfiForms views.

ConfiForms Form nameformNameThe name of the ConfiForm to which this registration control should be linked. This parameter is required when the macro is used by itself (not inside the ConfiForms Form macro).  The name parameter can be skipped when the macro is configured inside the ConfiForms Form macro, and if not defined, the form name is automatically assigned.
Location page namepageTitleThe name of the page on which the form is defined if not the current one; leave this blank if the form is defined on the same page.
Label for filter buttonfilterButtonLabelCaption to use for filter button
Include form / filter reset buttonincludeResetButtonInclude or not the button which will help users to reset selected filters with one click
Label for reset form buttonresetButtonLabelCaption for reset filter form selections button
Reset the filtered view on filter resetresetButtonActionWhen set, ConfiForms will reset the connected view automatically on filter reset.
Key-value request parameterspresetValues

This parameter provides a way to preset values for certain fields in the form.  These are listed as key-value pairs, separated by & (as request parameters) where the ''key'' is a ConfiForms Field name and the ''value'' is the data to be preset for the field.

You can also pre-set some values from a context:

  • [now] - to set current date/time on the date/time field
  • [] - current logged-in username (if anonymous access then "Anonymous" will be set)
  • [user.fullName] - current logged-in user's full name (if anonymous access then "Anonymous" will be set)
  • [] - current logged-in user's email (if anonymous access then "" will be set as email)

use it like key=value, for example mydt=[now]

And also reference to "this" when page/user fields used

Use filter forfilterFor

You can use this filter with

  • table (TableView)
  • card (CardView)
  • list (ListView)
  • calendar (CalendarVew)
  • plain (PlainView)
  • clean (CleanView)

View macro must be configured to use the same form as a datasource as this filter macro

Set 'Filter ID' of the view you want to connect this filter tofilterIdDo not use spaces or umlauts. Usually you don't need to have this mapping, unless you have a multiple filters defined on your page which are filtering the same form's datasets. ID should match with the ID you specify for your view.
Additional filter to applyfilterConditionwhen set, this "condition" will be always added with "AND" operator to the user picked/constructed filter
Hide free text search option in filter's default viewhideFreeTextSearchOnDefaultHides free text search option in filter's default view (when macro body is empty and default layout is used).
Field names to include in free text searchcolumnsToUseInFreeSearchAll fields will be used when left blank. A comma separated list of field names is expected to limit the free text search to include only particular fields.
Use wildcards in free text filteringuseWildcardsUses wildcards in free text filtering. By default filtering is done by exact value match.
Show only relevant choices in dropdown filter fieldsshowOnlyRelevantChoicesDropdown fields choices will be reduced to only available items.
Support multiple choices in dropdown fieldsmultipleChoicesSupports multiple choices in dropdown fields.
Render Date and Datetime fields as data ranges in filterrenderAsDateRangeRenders Date and Datetime fields as data ranges in filter.
Auto-filter modeautoFilterViews are filtered automatically on change.
CSS stylescssCSS rules to be applied to the Submit button when the form is displayed as a pop-up dialog (when the form is embedded in the page, this button is not shown).
Visible only to groups/usersrestrictionsThis parameter accepts a comma-separated list of groups and users to which this field will be visible. Leave this parameter blank if there are no restrictions.
Hide control when stored data matches this criteriahideIfMatches ALL ConfiForms entries stored by the form referenced will be concealed when the items in this parameter are matched in the entry. The control itself will be hidden when the condition/filter given is met, and this parameter uses the same syntax as in filters .
Execute custom JavaScript function after the filter form is loadedafterLoadInitPut the name of the function you want to execute. You can have 'formId' as parameter in this function to receive form element id. Confluence administrators could disable scripts execution in ConfiForms app settings.
Execute custom JavaScript function after the filter is appliedafterFilterAppliedPut the name of the function you want to execute. Confluence administrators could disable scripts execution in ConfiForms app settings.

Use macro body to create a custom layout for your filter control, just same as ConfiForms Registration Control macro. Also expects ConfiForms Field macros referencing a form to be present in the macro body.

When macro body is blank / empty then standard card-style layout is used and all form fields are set as filtering fields

ConfiForms LiveView macro


See documentation and examples on the following page - Using ConfiForms LiveView macro

How to reference a ConfiForms field (also Accessing field values and properties)


Important to know that "Create ConfiForms Entry" action does not support propagation of "Create ConfiForms Entry" actions further. This is to avoid infinite loops (an entry creates an entry in another form using IFTTT macro, which creates another entry in the 1st form)


ConfiForms TableView Merger



ConfiForms helper macro to merge TableView results

Macro takes RICH TEXT as an input, and you need to define which fields (ConfiForms Field macros) to show and which tables to merge (ConfiForms TableView macros). There is a support for expressions to be used when aggregating your data. Learn more in TableView Merger examples

Filter to apply on entries datasetfilterSee detailed documentation at ConfiForms Filters and/or in the tutorials
Ordering/Sorting rules to apply on entries datasetsortSee detailed documentation at Sorting in ConfiForms and/or in the tutorials.
Enable exportexportProvides a way to download forms content in CSV, XML and JSON formats. Admin users could always export ConfiForms data via the admin UI. For non-admin users, form's owner should enable support for data export via 'Allow data export' on ConfiForms form macro
PaginationpagerShowing records in sets (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 per page). If not configured then all stored records are shown
Render a striped tablewithHighlightingHighlight every second row in a table
For examples see documentation in  Merge and aggregation for ConfiForms  and for advanced techniques:  Advanced aggregations in TableView Merger


CSS Rules for ConfiForms Fields



Macro to use when you want to show fields differently, based on their values. To be used inside the ConfiForms TableView, ConfiForms ListView or ConfiForms CardView macros

Field value or expression to matchconditionYou can use values or expressions, similar to filters. See detailed documentation on filters: ConfiForms Filters. The scope for filtering is the whole dataset (depends on a container macro where this macro is used, as the dataset is passed from container macro)
Field namefieldNameName of the field this rule should be applied on, if left empty then rule is applied on the row
CSS to apply when condition is metcssValid CSS styles, separated by semicolon (example: color:red;border:1px). Styles will be applied on a field (if given) or on a row when used within table (container div when used in ConfiForms List) if field name is not set




from IFTTT macro body

  • [entry.FIELD_NAME]
  • ${FIELD_NAME} (see IFTTT macro documentation for more details) deprecated
  • using the ConfiForms Field Macro
  • when IFTTT is used to create a page
. In
  • , and in this case the value will be dynamic.
from IFTTT macro title parameter[entry.FIELD_NAME]
ConfiForms Registration Control, redirectURL parameter[entry.FIELD_NAME]
in Calculated/Formula field, when constructing an expression[entry.FIELD_NAME]



titleImportant links

Virtual functions

Accessing field values and properties

More detailed documentation bits

Children Display