Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Development versions could be found here:

Since ConfiForms app version 2.x we will publish release notes here 

Table of Contents

titleDevelopment plans...
  • (Smart) multi row field - new field type to help with "inline" creation of master-details structures
  • "ConfiQuery" field type to help you to link other form's data and associate it with a particular field/row in your current form
  • New ConfiForms IFTTT action Rename attachment 

Version 2.10.4

  • Quickfix to address regression issue with inline edits

Version 2.10.3

  • Fixed regression issue with missing "_previousState" in "ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition" processing
  • Fixed issues with IFTTTs involving work with user accounts which match the emails
  • API level compatibility fixed to support Confluence 6.0.x/6.1.x
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms PlainView rendering "escaped" opening and closing tags (when set)

Version 2.10.2

  • Added new field type - "Database Dynamic Multilabel". Also supports proxy mode to allow online lookups as the user types. See related Using use proxy setting in dynamic dropdowns (but consider having an SQL query that returns only unique labels, as only this (label value) will be stored in ConfiForms)
  • Fixed bug with ConfiForms IFTTT macro that creates new records and the form has defaults set for "new records" (which were interfering with "create entry" action)
  • Fixed issue with incorrect reporting of IFTTTs execution order  with IFTTTs that create/update other forms and those in order do some other IFTTT actions. Now the execution order shall be correctly reported. Please note that incorrect was only the reporting, not the actual actions execution order
  • Fixed issue with "Action buttons" and CSS Rules macro (was not able to style this field type with the mentioned macro)
  • Now form views dont steal the focus when used in embedded mode (this is configurable now with "autofocus" parameter in ConfiForms Registrations Control / FormView macro)
  • Fixed issue with comments rendering in the email (to not to render "+" button when the field has inline comments enabled)

Version 2.10.1

  • Rendering performance improvements for restricted fields
  • Removed "flattened" export due to the risks of producing OOM errors on the forms that have multiple multi-value fields and many records
  • Improvements in export data functionality to use streaming and less buffering
  • Improved rendering performance of ConfiForms Edit Controls when used with parameter "hide if matches"

Version 2.10

  • Fixed bug with ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition macro when "Apply filter based on criteria" action is used
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filter macro applied on a view having a default/initial filter set (and filter does a search with an empty filter)
  • Add/Remove watcher IFTTT is now more robust and handles correctly misconfigurations (missing pages / incomplete parameters)
  • New Virtual functions to help you with rendering of a contents from another form inside the view of your form. The function to do that is called queryAndRender

Version 2.9.6

  • Fixed permissions checking for the IFTTTs that work with attachments
  • Improved support for parameters in database statements when executed through IFTTT (correctly handling empty/null values, fixed issue with incorrect types)
  • Fixed issue with versioning in IFTTT to copy attachments
  • ConfiForms FormView can be rendered as link now (in addition to "Button" and "Embedded" modes)
  • Fixed NPE when ConfiForms Forms macros are used on Confluence templates (in preview)

Version 2.9.5

  • Fixed issue with ordering of items when used through the smart field and "reference to records" is unchecked (and no sorting is selected)
  • Fixed issue with incorrect rendering of the comment's content when it has new lines
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms EntryViewer when rendered as link to avoid "jumping" to page's top on click 
  • New Virtual functions to help with SQL parameters escaping if you ever need that - escapeSQL. And 2 functions to help with showing the choices registered in the options-based field, such as dropdown, radio/checkbox groups and other single and multi-select fields: getOptions and getUnselectedOptions
  • Improved support for parameters in Copy to database IFTTT rules, see CRUD - Simple demo to show how to setup ConfiForms to save data to database table (alternative storage)
  • Fixed regression issue with _count variable when checking in IFTTT conditions
  • Fixed security issue with IFTTT actions to remove/add page permission not checking current user's own permissions for the operation 

Version 2.9.4

Version 2.9.3

  • Compatibility issue with file preview when used to point at a file in a secure storage (in recent version of Confluence only (7.x))
  • Improved support for datetime interval fields in Import API (now accepting dates given in the format that contains "-", and " - " shall be used as separator for such values)
  • Fixed regression issue with content indexing of ConfiForms data

Version 2.9.2

  • Flatten records in TableViewMerger macro will work now for all the fields, not only when given in a simple form
  • Improving expression evaluations to work correctly with inputs given with "0" prefixes (not to take these as numbers for any function supported loosing the leading zeros)
  • Usability improvements in how the resources requiring oAuth authorization from the user are handled
  • Improvements in filtering to support complicated expressions and transformations on the "left side" of the filter expression
  • Support for [contributors] expression to get the list of page contributors to send emails / notifications with ConfiForms IFTTT
  • Fixed issue with attachment(s) copy when used through ConfiForms IFTTT action to copy ConfiForms entries
  • Improved support for ws/db backed dynamic dropdowns using proxy mode and ConfiForms Field Definition Rules with action to "set value"

Version 2.9.1

  • Transposed view for TableViewMerger macro
  • Fixed issue with "Hide if matches" parameter when used on a ConfiForms Field inside the TableViewMerger macro
  • Fixed regression issue with ConfiForms Filter macro rendering

Version 2.9.0

  • Fixed performance issue with Confluence indexing when forms using web-service and/or database based fields
  • Rendering performance and memory consumption improvements. Less buffering while rendering, results are now streamed to clients a lot faster and earlier
  • Fixed issues with import API used with XLS/XLSX files
  • Improved export to Excel to export non-numeric data stored in "numeric" fields as text values
  • Fixed issue with inline edits when the view macro is set to reference a form on a parent page via @parent 
  • ConfiForms EntryView now support a parameter to allow JavaScript function to be called on "view" for deeper integrations 
  • Improved extensibility of ConfiForms to customize printed form's UI
Code Block
function onCFBeforePrint(content) {

You can override it for example like this

Code Block
onCFBeforePrint = function(content) {
   alert('The form is about to be printed with the following contents: ' + content.html());

Version 2.8.3

  • Fixed issue with incorrect focus on the form when form has rules
  • New service to help with data migration (part of Migration Assistant). Helps to analyze what is stored under page/multi-page/attachment picker and file field types in ConfiForms

Helps you to see what version of the attachment is used by ConfiForms record, what page is referenced and it's internal IDs and attributes

Code Block

- pageId: where the form is defined
- formName: name of the form
- fieldName: (optional) to limit the output to analyze only the specific field and it's data

  • Improved support for form's having their names in non-latin characters (not recommended, please try naming your forms using latin characters with (or without) numbers)
  • Introducing "Migration Assistant" - experimental feature to help you with data migration between different servers, and fixing the "broken" references to external resources (pages/blogposts) and files

Option needs to be enabled in the app's general settings first and then can be accessed from any form's Admin UI


Version 2.8.2

Version 2.8.1

  • Performance optimizations to render "link", "attachment" and autonumber fields quicker
  • More strict validations of IFTTT configurations (not allowing certain IFTTTs to have inner IFTTTs, as it is simply incorrect)
  • An option to disable ConfiForms IFTTT macro body parsing as Velocity template (ConfiForms plugin configuration)

Image Removed

Version 2.8.0

  • Fixed issue with missing auto-number field value when exported to CSV
  • Improved export to non to include "action button" field into the output
  • ConfiForms IFTTT Integration Rules macro with action to "Delete ConfiForms entry" (by filter) now supports the parameter to bypass record ownership and permissions and still delete the record
  • Improved free text search for autonumber fields
  • Fixed issue with showing "view restricted" fields of certain types under certain configurations
  • Fixed issue with not working "inline add" enabled for CardView
  • Improved inline edit for the views when incorrect (non existing) field names are configured in the views
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms IFTTT rule to remove View/Edit permissions on the page
  • Fixed issue with TableViewMerger and inline search, when TableViewMerger has own filter initially set
  • Fixed NPE in wiki-markup version of ConfiForms Registrations Control (FormView) when used with evaluation license

Version 2.7.5

  • Backported support for ConfiForms version 1.x syntax when setting field's values to support spaces around & (like field1=value1 & field2=value2) ← strongly not recommended to use, but is supported for backward compatibility

Version 2.7.4

  • Enhanced ConfiForms free text search to include "rich properties" into the index. This needs to be enabled in the corresponding "view" via the following parameter

Image Removed

  • Fixed issue with "inline add" for form's non-admin users
  • Fixed issue with links to images inside IFTTT macro body when link is given to embedded image

Version 2.7.3

  • Hotfix to address issues with Confluence 7 changes in content indexing

Version 2.7.2

  • Improved indexing of ConfiForms contents, specifically "rich properties" fields (searchable via Confluence search)

Remember that you need to allow export and search on your ConfiForms Form (Definition) and you form shall not be set to shown only own records to non-admin users. Also you shall have ConfiForms views built over your form. As Confluence search index is disconnected from ConfiForms data then you need to make sure you inform Confluence about the need to reindex the contents - This can be done with the help of ConfiForms IFTTT Integration Rules macro with action set to "Force page to reindex". Please be aware that this action only suggests Confluence indexer to index the page, and actual indexing might take a while to start and complete

Version 2.7.1 

  • Fixed issue with Edit Controls macro inside the ConfiForms CalendarView when placed on a separate page
  • Improved TableViewMerger "flatten records" to correctly transform multi-value fields, such as Jira multi-select, User multi-select, Insight object multi-select to single value fields of the respected types
  • Improved support in ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition macro with "Validate" action configured for multiple fields at once
  • Fixed regression issue with user lookup (in ConfiForms user fields) 

Version 2.7.0

  • New feature to support proxying the requests in Dynamic dropdown (database and web-service) - this feature dramatically improves the performance (no need to preload the data) and helps you to integrate external services that provide "lookup functionality".  See tutorial on Using use proxy setting in dynamic dropdowns

Image Removed

Version 2.6.1

  • Improved support for parsing form's configurations from user macros 
  • New Field Definition Rule to help with setting custom label on a field, conditionally
  • New IFTTT action to generate new sequence number based on the rules/filters you set - please note that this is an experimental feature and is not yet suitable for use in highly concurrent environments (could generate duplicates)! Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions#Generatenextnumber
  • Improved validation rules support in quick actions, quick enrol and quick vote
  • Usability improvements in quick voting control (field type)
  • Improved date/date time fields robustness when incorrect formatting pattern is set

Version 2.6.0

  • Fixed issue with attachment links generated by ConfiForms file type when attachments are stored not on the same page as form definition
  • Fixed issue with edit/view controls macros when used with TableViewMerger macro
  • QuickEnrol (enrol button) and QuickAction (action button) now support field definition rules (previously form definition rules were bypassed by these fields during action processing)
  • Better usability in "comment" field - comment input box is closed after comment has been added
  • New "obscure" function to help you with masking the contents of a field when viewed on the page
  • ConfiForms CardView supports "transpose" view (experimental) 

Version 2.5.2

  • Improved automatic audit logging via IFTTT "Audit" action to include _event field, see Using new Audit IFTTT action
  • Fixed issue with quick enrol and "Enrol button" field type to update correctly the corresponding element

Version 2.5.1

  • New field type to accept and render storage format (as input)
  • Improved handling and reporting of broken field definition rules
  • Improved record locking to lock for a shorter time to improve performance
  • Improved support for complex configuration having different Registrations Control (FormView) macros referencing the same form on the same page
  • Fixed issue with inline row edit and JavaScript error on "enter" to save the record
  • Support for "remove" function (Virtual functions) to accept dynamic parameters (via [entry.field_name])
  • Fixed issue with "replaceWith" function (and general expressions parsing) when used to replace ( and/or ) as parameters
  • CleanView now supports additional parameter to help you to wrap the rendered contents into a wrapper (html, div) - similarly to PlainView

Version 2.5.0

  • Fixed issues with filter expressions using filtering by field together with free text filters (like field:some value AND active*)
  • Fixed issue with attachment links generated by ConfiForms field of type "file"
  • Improved ConfiForms CSS Rules macro to support expressions in conditions to match against the data in current record
  • Fixed issue with "reset" button behaviour in ConfiForms Filter macro having additional criteria set and applied on a view with pre-set filter expression
  • Improved logic for handling concurrent requests on form data inserts

Version 2.4.1

  • Hotfix to address issues with use of Confluence search API to discover form sources dynamically (via CQL)
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Field Definition Rules not setting/resetting the value for the "comment" field
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Field set to disable inline edit when a ListView/CleanView (already supported by TableView/CardView) is set to enable individual edits (the parameter has been ignored and it was not possible to override the view's setting per form's field - now it is possible)

Version 2.4.0

  • Compatibility with Confluence version 7.0
  • Fixed issue with filtering of multi-user fields (including voting control)
  • Fixed issue with field definition rules (set/reset) applied on field of type "Simple Date"
  • Fixed issue with form's data indexing (when export is enabled for the ConfiForms Forms which should result in the form's data being available for search via Confluence search)
  • Support for ConfiForms IFTTT action to set restrictions now supports restrictions for the user initiating these actions (previously, the user initiating restrictions has been always added as a user having the access)
  • Added support for TableView/TableView Merger macros when used inside the ListViews/CleanViews - inner macro parameters are correctly skipped on out view evaluations

Version 2.3.2

  • Fixed issue with "Reset" button on filter macro to reset the view into original, filtered state and not to show all the records
  • Fixed issue with date/time interval field and incorrect parameter for custom formatting
  • Now custom formats are properly supported by date, date/time and date/time interval fields in ConfiForms
  • "append" and "prepend" now accept dynamically looked up parameters, you can have [entry.field_name] expressions inside the function arguments

Version 2.3.1

  • Fixed regression issue with parenthesis not properly parsed in filters in certain configurations
  • Implemented support for setting up the filter, sorting and limits on sources that are dynamically discovered by TableViewMerger macro
  • Improved "Apply filter based on criteria" when used on non-smart fields - now you can easily implement the logic to reduce the choices in the "selectable fields, such as dropdowns" based on records stored

Version 2.3.0

  • Fixed issue with logging the db/webservice connection credentials in the Confluence log file
  • Added support for own date/datetime format (field can use global formatting pattern by default but users are now allowed to override it with own patterns)
  • Fixed issue with radio/checkbox group fields values that might conflict with other fields, when certain naming convention is used (set value and show/hide field rules were affected)
  • Fixed issue with accessing internal "recordId" value (sequence number that every record in ConfiForms has and that is per form, starts with 1). Record IDs cannot be reused
  • Fixed issue with filters applied on multi-user field referenced through a smart field
  • Fixed issue with filters applied on the fields where values to filter on contain AND and/or OR (case sensitive)

Version 2.2.3

  • Added configuration option to restrict emails to be sent only to the user configured in your Confluence server (Through ConfiForms app settings in plugins list - http://<YOUR_SERVER>/admin/vertuna/confiforms/config.action)

Image Removed

  • Fixed issue with fixing onError event when IFTTT (or form submission) fails and there is an error handling rule is configured

Version 2.2.2

  • Fixed regression issue with logger (too verbose with Confluence default level of logging)

Version 2.2.1

  • Support for date range filters in ConfiForms Filter Control macro, so date and datetime fields can be filtered by range
  • Optimized performance for Jira multi-value fields to fetch issues in a batch
  • Fixed issue with incorrect default logging level (warning was used instead of error, and this is the default level for root logger on Confluence which has resulted in extensive logging of a parsing issues by ConfiForms - current workaround is to set logging level for ConfiForms, com.vertuna package to ERROR)
  • Fixed performance issues when "Validate uniqueness" rule is used with Jira fields

Version 2.2.0

  • Performance optimizations for formula calculations
  • Fixed issue with Jira multi-value field where referenced issues data was unnecessarily loaded
  • Fixed logging level issues (too verbose and warnings were incorrectly logged as errors)
  • Import data API now supports Microsoft Excel formats (97/2007)
  • New Field Definition Rule to set field read-only
  • Fixed issue with IFTTT reporting "null" as form name when in debug mode for cascading IFTTT rules
  • Link field can be set to open links in a new tab / window
  • New ConfiForms IFTTT action to "Create page comment"
  • New context variable _formName is available - Accessing field values and properties#Additionalvaluesavailableinthecontext

Version 2.1.2

  • License check logic has been fixed
  • Fixed issue with not showing the field's values that are restricted for edit, but shall be visible in the view, in the ConfiForms Entry Viewer macro

Version 2.1.1

  • Improved logging of IFTTT rules to include the affected form (useful when you have rules that update fields in the same form or another that can trigger cascading of other rules)
  • New ConfiForms IFTTT actions to remove view/edit restrictions on Confluence pages
  • Support for @self in form:page references, Form example: myform:this is equally valid as myform:@self, and point at the "myform" page located on the current page
  • Improved reporting of license errors - more details, easier to understand the issue

Version 2.1.0

  • ConfiForms IFTTT rule(s) can be set to execute onError. This is especially useful when your workflow results in an error and you want to get informed about the broken flow or want to setup some automation to do instead (when normal flow execution has failed)
  • Search and filtering by string values is not case-sensitive by default (Rolled back a bold change we have introduced in 2.0.38)
  • Fixed CalendarItem to account for context variables
  • Fixed issue with content type "image/jpg" unrecognised as image resource
  • ConfiForms Field can be set to not show if the record matches defined criteria, this is especially useful for action buttons
  • CSS Rules set on fields now properly understand !important flag
  • New IFTTT rule to help with setting up the "Audit" - Data is stored automatically in the form with postfix _log and could be accessed with any ConfiForms View macros (Structure is the same as the original form with additional field added called "_ref", which is a smart field referencing the actual record that this audit record belongs to) See more on Using new Audit IFTTT action page
  • New functions to help with data cleanup: removeCRLFs and removeSpaces
  • Fixed support/conflict for proxies setup and ConfiForms web-service enabled fields
  • Fixed issue with wysiwyg field type removing "size" word from the contents
  • Fixed mouse scroll issue in date/datetime fields
  • TableView and CardView now have an option to group action buttons into one cell/row
  • ConfiForms PlainView macro now can be set to output the wrapping tag around the output - useful when you render table rows and what to ensure the table tag gets added and correct document gets rendered. Supports table, div and "data", to render xml-like output

Version 2.0.38

  • Hotfix to address issue with ConfiForms Filter macro rendering

Version 2.0.37

  • Fixed issue with restricted fields shown when a view is used with a filter macro
  • ConfiForms now exposes a component class (com.vertuna.confluence.plugins.confiforms.api.ConfiFormsStorageComponent) for plugin-to-plugin integrations with the following API
Code Block
Code Block
public interface ConfiFormsStorageComponent {

  String findFieldValueById(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject, String formName, String id, String fieldName);

  RegEntry findById(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject, String formName, String id);

  List<RegEntry> findByAll(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject, String formName);

  List<RegEntry> findRecordsByCurrentUser(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject, String formName);

  List<RegEntry> findRecordsByUser(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject, String formName, String username);

  void updateField(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject, String formName, String query, String field, String value) throws Exception;
  • Fixed issue with showing pages (multi-page field) when referenced through a smart field
  • Fixed issue with "web service request" IFTTT action not respecting the "silent" parameter
  • asLink function now supports setting up the parameter via entry field's reference, [entry.field_name]
  • Fixed issue with "web service request" IFTTT action when 204 is returned (NPE when reading response stream, which is totally incorrect in case of NoContent response)
  • String matching is now case sensitive in filters!

Version 2.0.36

  • Hotfix to address issue with formula value rendering when recalculation is not needed

Version 2.0.35

  • We have lowered the number of IFTTTs that could be executed during record update/created to 200, to catch the possible infinite loops better and report these cases in a more detailed way
  • Fixed issue with calendar item rendering when a calendar (CalendarView) has own filter set
  • Fixed issue with silent rollback and "impossibility" to delete a record when it references a file field / attachment to an already deleted attachment
  • Formula field which references context variables or other fields from the record is now correctly recalculated in the ListView and in the ValueView
  • Improved handling of expressions containing '.' dots
  • Improved extraction logic of array values from JSON documents

Version 2.0.34

  • Web services backed fields now support connections via application links
  • Better debugging options for IFTTT templates when used as Velocity templates - now the error is reported into the template rendering result if the form is set to debug mode (via ConfiForms Form Definition parameter) and the user using the form is form administrator
  • Fixed issue with filtering of checkbox groups fields when used with ConfiForms Filter macro
  • Improved support for edit restricted fields - now, even if the field is set to be required, but is restricted for current use, it will not be validated as required, but skipped. Also, edit restricted fields are not rendered on the form if the user has no permissions to edit such fields (previously the fields were rendered as read only)
  • Fixed issue with "unique by user" check when forms are used by anonymous users
  • Improved support for current page in smart fields - useful when you setup forms with such fields in the templates (you can reference current page via [entry._page] or [] or via @self. Important! This can be done only by modifying the storage format and is not supported via UI)

Version 2.0.33

  • Fixed issue with CSV export when used with default settings
  • Added new parameter to TableView/CardView to override the default behaviour of fields for "hide if empty" flag when views are used with default set of fields
  • Implemented a way to receive notifications from ConfiForms Form submission routine (by overriding the following JavaScript functions)

    Code Block
    function onCFSubmitStarted(formName){
    function onCFSubmitFinished(formName){
    function onCFSubmitError(formName){

    You can override it for example like this

    Code Block
    onCFSubmitStarted = function(formName) {
       alert('The form is about to be submitted');

Version 2.0.32 

  • Fixed content rendering issue with markup/markdown field when it is set to use Atlassian markup
  • Fixed issue with requesting "local resources" with "local request forward" via ConfiForms IFTTT actions (web connection request)
  • Fixed error reporting on web-service backed fields (when resource configured cannot be accessed or loaded)
  • Fixed issue in ConfiForms Filter Control with umlauts (non latin characters) used as IDs in multi-select fields
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms dynamic filter macro when used with checkbox/radio group fields (also fixed the reset button bug with the same type of fields)
  • Fixed issue with using decimal numbers in filtering (for comparison, exact match)

Version 2.0.31

  • Fixed issue with CSV export (not correctly exporting the empty values in custom views)
  • Changes in ConfiForms Filter macro - now single-value dropdowns are NOT rendered as multi-value fields in the filter by default (by default these fields are rendered as single-value fields, as defined in the form). This behaviour needs to be enabled explicitly.
  • Fixed issue with reset value action rule (also affected filter reset) when applied on multi-value fields

Version 2.0.30

  • Fixed issue with "quick action" showing empty message when used together with ConfiForms IFTTT Redirect to URL action
  • Fixed issue with Velocity template evaluation in emails (ConfiForms IFTTT to send email)
  • Support for proxies in web-service connections

Version 2.0.29

  • Added experimental support for NTLM 2
  • Fixed issue with filters having an expression with free text search
  • Fixed issue when ConfiForms ListView has been used within the FormView and fields were shown in the edit mode instead of a read-only
  • Added support for TableViewMerger to show the footer with a label/count for number of records shown

Version 2.0.28

  • Improvements to parameters parsing + bugxing edge cases with parameter names clashing + validation for duplicate parameters to report as errors
  • Improvements to filters to support wildcard filters when used with texts containing AND/OR and () in the names to be filtered correctly
  • Fixed issue with "Copy" button in ConfiForms Edit Controls not showing up for form's non admin users

Version 2.0.27

  • Quickfix to address issue with parameters parsing in fields pre-sets (default values), field definition rules to set field values and ConfiForms IFTTT rules to update/create records

Version 2.0.26

  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filter macro using  non-latin symbols used in dropdowns
  • Fixed issue with incorrect parsing of wysiwyg fields resulting in rendering errors and missing contents on a page
  • Added parameter to ConfiForms Form macro to support setting custom messages for the forms that allow only one registration per user
  • Fixed issue with REST API call to create a records with multiple values for multi-select user field
  • Improved parsing of a date/datetime fields for user locales (different to server locale)
  • Improved parameters parsing to support setting HTML in parameters, including "a href" links

Version 2.0.25

  • Fixed issue with complex parameters parsing (when parameter value was an url or something similarly complex)
  • Added new virtual function to "truncWithExpand" - helps you to truncate the value of the field and have an "..." interactive block to make the value expandable on demand 

Version 2.0.24

  • Added auto-mapping feature for Import API, to preset the field mapping selections on CSV file import
  • Field Definition Rule to "Apply filter based on criteria" now can automatically remove the rows from the filterable field what do exist in the current form (retaining only unique rows). See demo: Using filter based on criteria rule
  • Improved setting of parameters routine and added support from & in the middle of the parameter
  • Link field now recognises emails and renders the value with mailto: prefix
  • WYSIWYG field now adds header id's to bring compatibility with Confluence "Table of Contents" macro
  • WebServices Request action in IFTTT macro now can be set not to encode the parameters
  • ConfiForms Dynamic Filter macro now has an option to "auto filter" views (without a need to click on "filter" button)
  • Support for multiple choices when using ConfiForms Dynamic Filter macro and filtering by dropdown fields (and other single option fields)
  • Improvements in Import API (now not an experimental API anymore)

Version 2.0.23 

  • Fixed issue with setting up values for checkbox/radio group fields through the lookup from another form
  • Improved performance of database backed fields up to 10x times in views
  • Fixed issue with high load caused when "view" macros are used in preview mode
  • Improvements in filters to correctly work with numeric decimal values in conditions and in values
  • New virtual function to help to render datetime interval field values in a more compact way when event is within one day (compactDateTimeInterval)
  • Fixed issue when ConfiForms EntryViewer macro was not shown for users who are not owners of the record

Version 2.0.22

  • Fixed issue with missing ownedBy field value
  • IFTTT to delete entries could be set to work with anonymous users (deleting is possible only for anonymous records!)
  • Now by restriction edit permissions on the page you can also override admin permissions for Confluence administrator users (super users)
  • Fixed issue with events not correctly firing on certain definition rules when set one rule is set on multiple fields (in CSV format)
  • Fixed issue with filtering with "apply filter" filed definition rules of smart classifier and database classifier fields 
  • Fixed issue with default view for TableView/CardView when auto-number field was not shown by default

Version 2.0.21

  • Addressing issue with forms set to use "secure storage" for attachments and custom field definition rules - when the custom rule(s) was/were failing, the page to store attachments securely was still created.
  • Addressing issue when deleting an attachment of "image" type was resulting in an error on certain Confluence versions
  • Improved filters to correctly support date/datetime fields when referenced through smart fields
  • Fixed issue related to "view refresh after filter reset" in ConfiForms Dynamic filter

Version 2.0.20

  • Fixed issue with possible deadlocks on configurations involving multiple IFTTT rules updating the same ConfiForms entry or entries inside the same form

Version 2.0.19

  • Fixed issue with IFTTTs max count check when entries are updated via REST API update field method
  • Improved support for multiple fields when setting up the ConfiForms Field Definition rule (now fully supports both, regular expressions, as well as list of fields, separated by comma)
  • Now using relative paths in File field type in ConfiForms
  • Now you can disable edits for specific fields when individual edits for the view are enabled
  • Fixed encoding issue with web-services data (returned content-type was not respected)
  • Enhanced support for complex expressions to fields in CalendarView's grouping field (now you can reference fields connected to your current form through the smart fields and etc)
  • Added reverse rule possibility for "hide if matches" parameter in FormView (Registrations Controls) and Edit Controls macros

Version 2.0.18


Fixed support for accessing _previousState for the ConfiForms record when used to send email/ in-app notification.


Code Block
 <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="be9a1667-0b16-470c-8511-951bf66dd733" ac:name="confiform-ifttt" ac:schema-version="1">
      <ac:parameter ac:name="condition">hasChanged():true</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="action">Send Notification</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="event">onModified</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="title">testing hasChanged</ac:parameter>
      <ac:parameter ac:name="who">admin</ac:parameter>
          <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="c4def14c-d432-4bb9-86a7-912288fedf71" ac:name="confiform-field" ac:schema-version="1">
            <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">_previousState.a</ac:parameter>
          </ac:structured-macro> → <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="76a0b38f-4cfc-40a9-9746-993585a122d2" ac:name="confiform-field" ac:schema-version="1">
            <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">a</ac:parameter>
          <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="81d4aa93-f85f-48fc-a853-37bcb8375557" ac:name="confiform-field" ac:schema-version="1">
            <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">_previousState.b</ac:parameter>
          </ac:structured-macro> → <ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="840e6523-60d5-4b47-b724-476e6a753ec0" ac:name="confiform-field" ac:schema-version="1">
            <ac:parameter ac:name="fieldName">b</ac:parameter>

Known issues

If you are planning to update to latest LTS or latest 8.2.x/8.3.x version of Confluence and have ConfiForms forms with a number fields that exceed 256 then please vote for this issue to be fixed and the workaround suggested

If you are using Confluence 8.4.1 and later then please see this bug  and the workaround suggested


Basically to make ConfiForms work as you use to on Confluence 8.x you will need to have at least the following properties adjusted/added into confluence.cfg.xml 

Code Block
<property name="struts.multipart.maxStringLength">100000</property>
<property name="struts.multipart.maxFiles">1000</property>

These allow the forms to have 1000 fields and the field value accepted could be more than 100000 bytes

You may adjust those to your needs, see and for the details

Published versions and changes

Since ConfiForms app version 2.x and version 3.x we publish release notes here 

Table of Contents

Version 3.13.4

  • Compatibility with Confluence 9.1.0
  • Improved troubleshooting of ConfiForms Field Definition rules - better reporting of processed and failed rules
  • Possibility to run the JQL registered in ConfiForms JQL field and render the results via the PlainView macro (the tutorial will be available shortly)
  • Support for accessing JSON object properties and applying Virtual functions if necessary
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly wrapping the contents into the ListView when creating a page with a ConfiForms IFTTT macro
  • Fixed visual issue with rendering a table after the pagination or using the admin UI where the table header was too narrow (Confluence 8+)
  • Fixed issue with a EntryViewer not working correctly on the data collected in the audit forms (Using new Audit IFTTT action)
  • BETA support for dark mode theme

Version 3.13.3

  • Fixed issue with a broken functionality around removing a version of an attachment on Confluence 8+
  • Changed behaviour of the ConfiForms IFTTT to create a page to not to change the "last updated" on the parent page

Version 3.13.2

  • Fixed issue with stack overflow for drop-down fields on certain configurations
  • Errors reported with ConfiForms now have error ref id, which helps administrators to find relevant details in the logs

Version 3.13.1

  • Fixed issues with ConfiForms set to run for anonymous users (on Confluence 9.x)
  • Fixed issue with inline individual edits are blocked by Confluence 9.x 
  • Fixed comments field with an enabled inline edit/add when used in the Matrix View
  • Introducing NEW macro - ConfiForms LiveView (still experimental but in a public BETA now. Feedback is very welcome). This macro helps you to build pages that have live templating, with support for page properties and url parameters as macro parameters, when needed. Also supports caching and asynchronous loading. See tutorial at this page: Using ConfiForms LiveView macro

Version 3.13

  • Fixed set of methods that need to be whitelisted on Confluence 9 (field's visibility + ConfiForms administration for web-services and databases)
  • Introducing the Page Storage Editor that you can enable in ConfiForms configuration and use to import/export page's storage content - Storage Format Editor

Image Added

The option can also be enabled only to users in a specific user group/groups

Image Added

  • Fixed issue with finding and using the correct  Redirect URL / custom message in Edit Controls when multiple views are used on the page
  • New field type - Jira Select Field - to support choice based fields from your Jira projects (rendered as a dropdown in ConfiForms - single or multiple choices depending on a field type in Jira). Cascading dropdown fields from Jira are also supported! See more on How to configure and use the Jira Select Field in ConfiForms

Version 3.12.5

  • Yet another unfortunate regression with IFTTTs that update ConfiForms records caused by making the app compatible with Confluence 9.x disappointed face 

Version 3.12.4

  • Fixed issues with creation of Jira and Insight objects from ConfiForms
  • Support for cleaning up the CSS styles in WYSIWYG field
  • Support for confirmation messages in forms submitted with auto-enrol mode
  • Introduced new Virtual functions tidyHtml - to remove CSS styling from any HTML contents your ConfiForms field may have

Version 3.12.3

  • Fixed regression issue with ConfiForms fields of a web-service type that use "application link" as authentication type

Version 3.12.2

  • Fixed issue with license retrieval causing the admin UI to show/edit data fail to render

Version 3.12.1

Version 3.12

  • Minimum JVM version is 11. But we do recommend to switch to JVM 17, as Atlassian leaves no other choice 
  • Confluence 9 compatibility
  • Fixed export for formatted value for the "date created" field
  • New "uniqueBy" virtual function (Virtual functions), which allows you to retain only unique values in a multi-value array list (by given criteria/field)
  • Support for [entry._page] in web-service service URL and the SQL query parameters in db/ws fields
  • Support for complex functions (nested commas and brackets, etc) in export fields while overriding export formats (Data Export tricks and hints)
  • ConfiForms macros are now having different icons to make them more distinguishable and easier to group and locate while configuring your complex forms

Version 3.11.5

  • Fixed issue with "Synchronize Smart field references" ConfiForms IFTTT to work correctly with smart checkbox fields
  • ConfiForms IFTTT macro to copy the page now correctly send out a PageCopyEvent (Confluence internal event)
  • Fixed issues with files with non latin names attached and sent to Jira via ConfiForms
  • Added visually distinguishable icons for various ConfiForms macros, so these can be easily identified and found in the Confluence page editor 

Version 3.11.4

  • Quickfix to small regression around "dateCreatedFormatted" virtual field

Version 3.11.3

  • Fixed issue with incorrectly parsing attachments on Confluence 8 in ConfiForms search indexer
  • Support for duplicating messages in ConfiForms to be more compatible with screen readers and improve usability for visually impaired customers
  • Fixing issues with Using Excel files as sources for ConfiForms fields on latest Confluence versions (where Confluence was blocking parameter values on certain conditions)
  • Fixed regression with "dateCreatedFormatted" virtual field
  • Export to Excel now supports the Excel 2007 and more than 65K rows
  • Support for comment field entries in asFilteredBy Virtual functions
  • Fixed NPE with response logging in ConfiForms http client
  • Removed offensive code that prevented PDF export of coloured tables in Confluence

Version 3.11.2

  • Fixed issue with rendering of smart multi-rows fields
  • Fixed UI rendering issue with the use of secrets in web-service configurations (headers)
  • Fixed issue with REST API version 0 requiring edit permissions to show the data instead of view permissions (with an enabled export)

Version 3.11.1

  • New REST API point to get details on ConfiForms app installation /info ConfiForms Server REST API version 1
  • Optimized loading of Jira issues on configurations that fail to load Jira issues (insufficient permissions, incorrect application link)
  • Fixed timezone issue with simple date field in ConfiForms
  • Optimizations in smart multi-row data loading when it loads data from forms that have Jira fields or ConfiForms smart fields
  • Extended logging of ConfiForms IFTTT actions (on-page debug information for easy troubleshoot)
  • Support for dynamically set ConfiForms source page (can reference @self now for easier used from inside Confluence templates, for example)
  • queryAndRender function (Virtual functions) can now also render metadata fields
  • Optimized defaults for rendering data using parallel rendering to improve the rendering performance
  • Fixed issue with CalenderView offering adding new records when the dialog mode is enabled (but is set readonly)

Version 3.11

  • Fixed issue with web-service backed dropdowns and multi-selects causing the stack overflow on certain configurations
  • Extended debug information for ConfiForms FormView to show matching rule condition
  • Introducing new ConfiForms IFTTT macro's action to easily synchronize smart field references where forms have smart fields that reference each other and there is a need for the bi-drectional data synchronization
  • Fixing memory leak in ConfiForms contents extractor (Confluence search index)
  • Fixed issue with DateTime interval field not taking properly the pattern for hours/minutes if own formatting pattern is configured
  • Optimizing Jira issues loading on configurations where the Jira instance is unreachable or user is not authorized to access it
  • Create Page/BlogPost IFTTT rules now properly publish corresponding events into the Confluence events system
  • New Virtual functions fieldMetadata which allows to access field's label and type and other properties through [entry.field_name] notation - [entry.fieldMetadata(myfield).label]
  • The function greenhopperAsJSON now supports multiple sprints
  • Fixing issue with call to getAttribute function causing multiple exceptions on Smart multi-row fields
  • ConfiForms CalendarView now correctly handles read-only mode together with a setting enabling "add new records"
  • Fixed issue with nested CleanView used together with a ConfiForms Filter Control
  • Fixed issue with accessing context and system fields through the ConfiForms Field macros (largely affects user fields and complex properties) → no need to use an asUser bridging function
  • Fixed compatibility with Java 1.8

Version 3.10.8

  • Fixed validation of nested smart multi-row fields configurations (such configurations are not supported at the moment)
  • CalendarView can be set to use custom layout for edits also by defining ConfiForms Registrations Control macro (not only the Edit Controls macro)
  • Improved handling of errors (storing error results also in the [iftttResult_XXX] variable) 
  • Added "json" function to "EscapeTool" accessible from the Velocity context
  • Fixed UI issue when "waiting icon" was not properly rendered on form submit for forms with a custom layout
  • The maximum size of an embedded image in the WYSIWYG field is now set at 25MB

Version 3.10.7

  • Fixed issue with lookups on smart fields by using the asFilteredBy function from Virtual functions

Version 3.10.6

  • Fixed regression issue with smart fields used in nested views
  • Fixed issue with copy record on Confluence 8.8.x

Version 3.10.5

  • Fixed issue with importing values with large numbers from Excel into ConfiForms via the Import API
  • Fixed issue with smart and database classifier fields when the last option in the selection is with an empty value
  • ConfiForms Edit Controls with a compact mode fixed to use a different pattern for invoking JavaScript (workaround for issues with Confluence 8.5.8 installations at certain customers)
  • Fixed minor UI issue with a waiting icon not shown when the form is submitted through the dialog mode and the form is submitted using RETURN key (not clicking on a submit button)

Version 3.10.4

  • Fixed issue with IFTTTs updating the same record sequentially
  • Fixed issue with inline edits of simple date fields
  • ConfiForms Field Definition Rules "Hide Field" now supports a setting to reset the field (or fields) automatically (hide and reset field value in one go)
  • IFTTT Result is now added to the debug information
  • Added "base64Decode" into list of Virtual functions

Version 3.10.3

  • Fixed yet another portion of regressions introduced by Confluence 8.8.x affecting smart multi rows and connections configurations
  • Improved REST API to accept JSON objects passed form smart multi-row fields when creating new records
  • Fixed issue when a validation rule is set on multiple fields and the error message gets duplicated
  • Fixed issue with smart multi-row fields validation

Version 3.10.2

  • Fixed regression introduced by Confluence 8.8 that affects ConfiForms inline edits (ConfiForms Edit Controls set to render in inline mode)

Version 3.10.1

  • Fixed issue with IFTTT macro logs not rendered properly (How to troubleshoot and debug ConfiForms IFTTT rules execution)
  • Fallback connection for Jira now supports both on-premise and cloud instances of Jira
  • ConfiForms Edit Controls support dynamic labels for buttons (a label can be taken from a field value)
  • Rules processing times are now logged to help with debugging and figuring out the possible bottlenecks
  • Now the debug information is also shown (when enabled) for forms that fail to process completely (broken logic in IFTTTs, for example)
  • Fixing issue with emails not being sent when the IFTTT is invoked through the REST API call
  • Fixed issue with TableViewMerger not properly loading the _sourceForm and _sourcePage metadata fields on certain configurations, making it impossible to access these fields values

Version 3.10.0

  • Fixed issues with ConfiForms configuration (update/create) not working properly on Confluence 8.8.x
  • Possibility to configure a fallback connection to Jira using the service account for the authentication to be used automatically for users who cannot use the "Create Jira" IFTTT (which expects users to be authenticated through the application link)
  • Fixed behaviour of Smart multi-row when it is set to use the form located on a restricted page (also taking into account the flag that can be set on the ConfiForms Form Definition to "allowReads", which overrides the page permissions and allows users to access data from the restricted form)
  • Fixed issue with smart multi-row field when it is set to be edited inline (individually), but also is configured to have a lookup functionality
  • Improved lifecycle for the "create record" functionality to handle smart multi-rows better on forms that fail validation
  • Improved rendering of comment fields in emails
  • Fixed issue with setting rules in Insight dropdown field (change events were not correctly propagated)
  • Removed configuration parameter that required Confluence administrators to enable UI logging for forms. This now can be set individually per form
  • Introducing DataLoader (which is available in ${dataLoaded} variable in Velocity context which allows to query other forms right from Velocity templates)
  • Fixed issue with duplicate handlers set on fields under certain conditions (using ConfiForms Field Definition Rules)
  • Reverse rule to hide the EntryViewer is now supported
  • Support for referencing CSS classes in ConfiForms CSS Rules for Fields macros
  • Fixed UI issue with WYSIWYG that allows to set the field to render in legacy mode (old WYSIWYG editor)
  • Now it is possible to debug UI rules, using the same "debug mode" parameter on the form (definition)
  • Move attachment IFTTT now renames an attachment automatically if the one to move conflicts (by file name) with some existing attachment on the target page

Version 3.9.8

  • Compatibility with Confluence 8.8.x
  • Added support for Confluence server installations with user tiers up to 100 users to continue to use the ConfiForms app for free after the 15th of Feb 2024

Version 3.9.7

  • Fixed issue with Copy Page not taking the "Do not evaluate page body" parameter into account when one page is copied 
  • Fixed issue with pagination used on views that are filtered by ConfiForms Filter Control and have date range fields
  • Improved Create Page IFTTT logic to clean up the generated contents when templates with a page layouts are used. Templates that use the fields without views will not be wrapped into the ListViews automatically when the template is using Confluence layouts (as it breaks the page edits for such pages). 

Version 3.9.6

  • Experimental support for deleting records in ConfiForms database table

Image Added

  • Fixed issue with the WYSIWYG field's new editor not accepting or rewriting the contents taken from a buffer (broken copy&paste functionality)
  • Fixed issue with the WYSIWYG field not showing correctly the setting when OWASP policy is enabled
  • Fixed issue with "comments delete" functionality
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Dynamic dropdown field when it is set to serve the contents from dropdown or other choice based fields (to provide labels, not IDs)
  • Fixed regression issue with auto conversion of XML contents to JSON (when used through lookup and set WS rules)

Version 3.9.5

  • Making new WYSIWYG field more robust: added clean up routine for pasted contents (to remove offensive HTML tags and MS Word produced garbage)
  • Fixed issue with Set Value rule not working on WYSIWYG in legacy mode
  • Fixed issue with CalendarView not correctly showing datetime interval field values when the field is configured to have "no time" selection (interval is 0 minutes)
  • Fixed issue with comment removal on views using the inline individual edits
  • Comment field has a better discoverability for the form height when using non legacy mode
  • Fixed issue with inline edit used on views with Edit Controls having restrictions
  • Improved parsing in filtering engine for expressions that use queryCount and queryAndSet functions
  • Trying to fix the issue introduced by Confluence 8.5.5 with sorting (header) for tables that are set to use the inline edit mode

Version 3.9.4

  • Fixed issues with Show/Hide rules applied on a WYSIWYG field
  • Added support for legacy mode in the WYSIWYG field
  • Added support for the legacy mode in the Comments field (simple plaintext input can be now enabled if necessary)
  • Support for Formula fields expressions in the CalendarView for grouping, you can now provide a timestamp value or a startTimestamp-endTimestamp form of a value for date time interval

Version 3.9.3

  • more robust processing of user macros (while processing form configuration), handling possible infinite loops in a correct way (when user macro have cross references or are linked to themselves)
  • fixed issue with "stack overflow" on pages that use ConfiForms views together with pageProperties function (and having user macros in these page properties)
  • Fixed regression issue with web-service connection incorrectly adding a domain twice when creating a request URL when application link is used as an authentication and integration method
  • Fixed issue (logical conflict) with ConfiForms IFTTTs to manage permissions (was impossible to set view permissions to current user and at the same time removing edit permissions for current user)
  • In Virtual functions the asUserProfileLink has been enhanced to work on multi-user fields or on values given as a comma separated list of usernames
  • Fixed issue with an email sent via ConfiForms that contained some invisible technical characters (which were visible as part of the email contents and presented in the email preview)

Version 3.9.2

  • Fixed regression issue with a field value not set on form load (using "Set Value" or "Lookup and Set Value" rules)

Version 3.9.1

  • Fixed issue with incorrect escaping of a value when used through the "Set Value" rule
  • UI glitch fix for web-service multi-select and multi-label fields and use if "Reset Value" rule

Version 3.9.0

  • Compatibility with Confluence 8.5.5
  • Still using Java 1.8 to build the plugin to support customers running Confluence on this version of Java
  • New WYSIWYG editor with tables support
  • Improved error handling on database and web-service mapping service (to help with troubleshooting when necessary)
  • Improved error handling and logging in experimental services for building fields that use excel/CSV as a source Using Excel files as sources for ConfiForms fields
  • Comments field now supports a WYSIWYG field
  • WYSIWYG field could be set to enforce policy for the contents and store only safe values (protecting from XSS attacks)
  • Fixed issue with _previousState not initialized for unsaved records

Version 3.8.2

  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filtering Control and with a view with an enabled instant search, when the internally prepared filtering expression was exposed to users after applying it on the view
  • Support for relative #links in redirects
  • Improved support for the asFilteredBy function when applied on smart multi-row fields
  • Fixed issue with restrictions set through the multi-select fields dynamically on other fields
  • Small changes in UI for the views when the view has a pager or/and the instant search (view is more compressed and uses the same row to render the pager and the instant search)

Version 3.8.1

  • Recompiled to be compatible with Confluence running Java 1.8. We will drop support for Java 1.8 in ConfiForms version 3.10.0 

Version 3.8.0

  • Compatibility with Confluence version 8.7.x
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filter macro that is set to match with wildcards and the pagination in the view

Version 3.7.7

  • Fixed issue with Edit/View restrictions on fields when it has more than 2 options (usernames, security groups)
  • Fixed issue with regular expression validation on date fields

Version 3.7.6

  • Fixed a regression with a preset default values in ConfiForms Registrations Control / FormView macro
  • Fixed issue with page permissions check on Confluence 8.5.x+ discovered through the CQL (dynamic sources / usage from a template)
  • Copying of records now copies attachments correctly (creating a new version) if any is defined in the original record
  • Fixed issue with a dynamically evaluated edit restrictions on fields
  • Fixed issue with regular expressions check not working on date/date time field
  • updateFieldValue REST API from ConfiForms Server REST API version 1 supports "query" as parameter (to specify the filtering expression)
  • Fixed issue with incorrect rendering of fields that are restricted with dynamically evaluated expressions in TableViews/CardViews using a default layout (all fields / empty macro body)

Version 3.7.5

  • Fixed issue with "Copy record" functionality to copy files/attachments as well

Version 3.7.4

Version 3.7.3

  • Fixed issue with migration from Confluence 8.x to cloud (migration service and migration pre-check report)

Version 3.7.2

  • Hotfix to address a regression with Database fields

Version 3.7.1

  • Fixed issue with duplicate buttons rendered for each edit/view controls in TableViewMerger when both macros are used
  • Fixed NPE with applying filter on field when the rule is misconfigured
  • Fixed NPE in inline edits when the view is misconfigured to use a non-existent fields
  • Fixed issue with a ConfiForms Dynamic Filter macro rendering of unknown fields as "event fields"
  • Fixed issue with accessing new properties of a DateTimeInterval field (periodInSeconds, periodInMinutes, periodInHours, periodInDays, periodInWorkDays)
  • Fixed issue with using new parameters like cf_view and cf_filterId for Creating links to filter views from request parameters - url
  • Fixed issue with a stack overflow exception in filtering engine for certain filtering expressions
  • Fixed issue with incorrect handling of "confirmation messages" (incomplete message content escaping on certain configurations)
  • Fixed regression with incorrect validation of a datetime interval field
  • Confluence read-only mode now carefully checked in quick actions as well (voting, quick actions, entrols)
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filter macro using the mode OR for multi-selects and a view with an additional filtering expression defined
  • Fixed issue with Velocity context not correctly filled in for IFTTTs when fields have view restrictions
  • Fixed NPE with Confluence 8 and uploading a 0 size file
  • Fixed issue with action not correctly initialized for user macros processing causing ConfiForms to report false warnings in the logs
  • cfSetValueWithEventPropagation from JavaScript functions is fixed to use the eventType and correctly propagate the event

  • ConfiForms IFMatches macro now can render the contents in an expandable block

Version 3.7.0

  • Warning

    Important! Downgrading from 3.7.0 will not be possible for ConfiForms installations which have web-service and db connections configurations. As the configurations are now encrypted and stored in an encrypted way (which is not supported by earlier versions of the plugin)

  • Minimum Java 11 is required
  • Fixed "lock form" feature to apply on action buttons, voting and every other field in a form and truly disable centrally any updates to form's data
  • Fixed issue with Smart multi-row fields updates when used in inline edits mode
  • Fixed flattening of rows for dynamic multi-label and Confluence multi-label fields in TableViewMerger macro
  • Fixed issue with incorrect reporting of license user tier mismatch
  • Introducing a new parameter to scope the filters from an URL to specific view via cf_filterId parameter (value should match the filter ID you have set in the view) that you can add to your URLs
  • Fixed issue in admin UI to render columns properly when fields have dynamically set view/edit restrictions
  • form dimensions reworked to calculate more precisely when fields have dynamically set edit restrictions
  • Improved rendering in MatrixView for tags when a smart field is used as a grouping field
  • Fixed issue with regular expressions validation on date/date time fields
  • Fixed issue with check for empty value on the restricted pages that are referenced through a "Page/Blogpost" field in ConfiForms
  • Voting is now correctly closed on the locked forms
  • WebServices and DBConnections configurations are now completely encrypted when stored in the database
  • Fixed issues with Virtual functions workDaysTo and daysTo incorrectly returning 0 days when used with timestamps
  • Supporting CLOB fields in the DB backed fields
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly filtered rows when a form's data with an ption to "show only own records to non-admin users" is enabled and used through the smart fields
  • Improved debugging and error reporting in a PlainView when used with "Velocity templating" option enabled

Version 3.6.2

  • Compatibility with Confluence 8.6.x
  • Fixed issue with importing from Excel when excel files have blank values in cells
  • Fixed UI issue with "auto-enrol" functionality, see more Creating auto-enroll links to submit forms via links in Confluence, when a submission results in an error.
  • Introduced a new parameter for auto-enrol functionality to "merge" values from existing record and values given in auto-enrol. New "_merge" parameter, _merge=true
  • Enhanced functionality explained here Creating links to filter views from request parameters - url, to support setting the scoping parameter to apply the filter on a specific view type via an additional request parameter "cf_view"

Version 3.6.1

  • New feature to define an obligatory footer for emails sent via ConfiForms
  • Fixed issue to render smart multi-row values when referenced through another smart field
  • Fixed issue with restricted view check for action buttons
  • ConfiForms IFTTTs to move and copy pages now support multiple pages as arguments (in comma separated list of page ids)
  • Improved lookup for pages when titles are given with : in their titles
  • Fixed NPE issue with ConfiForms FormView Registrations Control macro that is confifured without specifying a form name and have a ConfiForms view macro inside
  • ConfiForms IfMatches macro can be used as a container macro with a specified ID, which allows users to use Show/Hide Container rules easily - ConfiForms Field Definition Rules

Version 3.6.0

  • ConfiForms spaces field is now configurable in the app configuration (limits can be adjusted according to needs)
  • Field (definition) restrictions (Edit/View) now can be configured to use "context variables
  • Improved security in REST API versions 0 and 1 to ensure the user has (also) view permissions (please note that for form's non admin users a form should enable exports for REST APIs to work)
  • Fixed CSS styles in ConfiForms Edit Controls, when specified as CSS style attributes
  • Improved rendering of MatrixView macro's contents to render any type of ConfiForms view inside - allows you to set up more complex nested views for the grouped item to render
  • Fixed configuration issue of a Numeric field to switch between rendering modes: text vs number

Version 3.5.10

  • Fixed regression issue with web-services connection caching

Version 3.5.9

  • Fixed issue with validation rules applied on files (validating for unique file names and deleting incorrect versions of a file on certain conditions)
  • Fixed issue with choice based fields having own filtering conditions and used on pages having multiple views and for views (conflicts in cached values)
  • Enhanced "asPage" function from Virtual functions to attempt to discover the page by given space key and title (or just the title, taking "current" space as a space key to look into). This is in addition to the previous functionality - looking up the page object by page id
  • ConfiForms views now have functionality to export all or filtered data right from the view

Version 3.5.8

  • ConfiForms Field default filters now support context variables
  • Fixed issue with attachments removal (together with a secure page) when used with secure storage option enabled
  • Emails with attachments fixed in Confluence 8.x (sent through ConfiForms)

Version 3.5.7

  • Virtual functions remove function now supports removing items by IDs (UUIDs) from smart fields (no need to transform)
  • Numeric field now has 2 options to render: as a text and as a number (to support numbers given in a format of XX,YY ← having a comma as a decimal separator)
  • Fix for infinite loop and stack overflow issue in TableViewMerger when the counting expression is incorrectly configured

Version 3.5.6

  • Critical security issue fixed which allowed access to page contents of a restricted page
  • Implemented sorting of smart multi-rod field records
  • Fixed issues with error messages not shown for inline edits on certain configurations

Version 3.5.5

  • Fixed issues with errors and validations not shown for quick actions (voting, inline edits, enrols)
  • Support for "ignore case" option in REST API search methods
  • Support for Jira 9 in Jira mapping helper (automatic mapping of fields)
  • Fixed issue with web-services/db usage statistics reset on node restart in clustered environments

Version 3.5.4

  • Fixed a regression with custom validation rules not properly handled
  • Fixed issue with use of ${iftttResult_} being escaped incorrectly
  • An option to auto-align field labels in custom layouts has been introduced to ConfiForms Edit Controls

Version 3.5.3

  • Fixed UI glitch with database query configuration on "DB fields" when a connection allows an arbitrary query to be set
  • CONCAT function in Supported math operators, formulas and functions now supports "any" number of parameters to concat
  • Fixed issue with REST APIs to update the field to correctly apply and verify custom validation rules (affects both server/dc versions - version 0 and version 1)
  • Fixed issue with form's admin UI conflicting with other views on the same page having a custom layouts for the ConfiForms Edit Controls
  • Fixed bug with redirect url not opening in a new tab on certain conditions

Version 3.5.2

  • Fixed regression issue with macro definitions / configurations discovery on certain form configurations
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filter Control not being able to find a correct view other than a TableView
  • Fixed issue with a missing statistics information for the database connection (last used since server restart) 

Version 3.5.1

  • Revisited server to cloud migration section with a fix for pages discovery logic that needed to be migrated (affects Confluence version 7.4.x and up to 7.19.x)
  • Fixed support for timezones parameter in the convertDate/formatDate functions Virtual functions
  • Improved performance when used with Smart Templates plugin
  • Fixed issue with a name conflict when used with individual inline edit
  • Web-services and database connections statistics to see last used details
  • Improved ConfiForms filtering engine to support queryCount function in expression 

Version 3.5.0

  • Improved performance in field definitions initialization - lazy loading is used for fields that require data load from external sources (views that use only subset of form fields will load faster, as well as views that have formula fields)
  • ConfiForms Server REST API version 1 has extension parameters to troubleshoot the performance and get statistics on save/update and form definition endpoints
  • Fixed issues with missing error messages when inline edits were used
  • Versioning has been fixed for custom layouts and for inline edits (versioning is not supported for individual edits)
  • Fixed issue finding the right contents when Comala Document plugin is installed and ConfiForms is used to have Edit/Viewer macros with custom layouts in views
  • Fixed required validation for fields that are updated/created using individual edits
  • Database classifier field now supports accessing other properties via Velocity templating, allowing you to check the value for the particular field in a classifier, not only the classifier itself
  • Numeric fields now take an advantage and use the "numeric" field type in HTML
  • Fixed issue with filter matching against the users voted using the Voting control field
  • new virtual function to access field's metadata - fieldMetadata (it's type, name, required and description parameters)
  • tel protocols are now supported in HTML links when rendered through ConfiForms
  • Fixed (code) incompatibility with Confluence 7.4.x and lower
  • Fixed issue with Jira Helper in ConfiForms IFTTT not taking the correct application link on IE when an attempt to generate an issue mapping is done
  • Fixed issue with custom CSS not being set correctly on advanced dropdowns
  • Fixed issue with export to Excel on Confluence 7.4.x and lower

Version 3.4.5

Version 3.4.4

  • ConfiForms Edit Controls macro now follows the ordering given in the TableViewMerger when rendering fields and controls
  • Added capability to define headers for exports in views
  • Fixed issue with initialization of fields that have defined custom CSS + fix for a possible XSS issue when applying the defined CSS
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Comala Documents plugin and ConfiForms when using custom layouts for Edit Controls / EntryViewer macros in ConfiForms views
  • Fixed issue with asFilteredBy virtual function not returning empty result when applied on smart fields and therefore breaking the EMPTY function check ([] was returned instead, which was not accepted as empty value)

Version 3.4.3

  • Fixed issue with Configuring ConfiForms IFTTT actions and rules#CopyConfiFormsData not returning "last copied" object's data 
  • Tuned parameters for async renderer to render more rows/entries per thread
  • Improved context logging when ConfiForms is set to log in DEBUG for troubleshooting
  • Fixed issue with incorrect IFTTT indexes calculation for results that involve IFTTTs that update or create entries (create sequence, update by filter, copy data and create entry IFTTT rules). Please dont rely on internal IFTTT results indexes, and consider setting own names for IFTTT results for easier access

Version 3.4.2

  • Fixed issue with inline edits not properly refresh the view after the update
  • Cloud migration process is more robust and verbose, addressing issues more clearly and with new fallback and recovery options (to successfully complete the process)
  • Optimized initialization of forms to reduce the size of a JavaScript generated and executed

Version 3.4.1

  • Improved support for values with parameters in the qrCode virtual function 
  • Enhanced support for new field types in Jira Helper (cascading lists, priority, user picker and JSM "people" field)
  • Jira multi-select field is now more robust on terms of data it has and have more fallback options to enable loading of the data
  • Async loader, filter and renderer now have own thread pools with adjusted sizes.
  • PageProperties Virtual functions now supports an optional parameter to set the page properties object ID to look into for the property (helps when the page has multiple page properties objects sharing the same keys)
  • "parallelLoading" feature is now disabled by default and should be enabled explicitly by the administrators if required
  • Fixed issue with unrestricted web-service connection accessed by an anonymous user (DB connections cannot be used by the anonymous users, even if they are unrestricted. Web-service connections could be used by anonymous users if they are unrestricted)

Version 3.4.0

  • New Jira Helper - easy way to create a JSON mapping between ConfiForms and Jira to create Jira issues.

Image Added

  • Smart multi-row now supports DateTime Interval fields
  • Fixed issue with Dropdowns not following the sorting order when used in the ConfiForms Filter macro with enabled "show only relevant options" (fix also affects the Radio Group field  that uses horizontal layouts)
  • Fixed issue with whitelisting
  • Trying to workaround a bug in Confluence 8.x - by reducing the size of the output, and not relying on Velocity engine to put the contents together (but doing it on the fly solely in ConfiForms app). Please note that this still requires a fix on the Confluence side - please vote on the linked public issue on Atlassian Jira
  • Indent and outdent support in WYSIWYG field

Version 3.3.9

  • Fixed issue with IFTTT debug log not showing up on certain configurations (How to troubleshoot and debug ConfiForms IFTTT rules execution)
    • Showing individual invocation times for IFTTTs and a total invocation time
  • Fixed regression issue with redirects on auto-enrol enabled forms
  • Fixed issue with info-panel and section fields when setting values on this fields after "lookup and set" function which results in multiple matches (nicely creates a concatenated string and not trying to set the "array of values")
  • Improved rendering of wiki markup / markdown from within ConfiForms to generate HTML headers that are compatible with Atlassian TOC macro (Table of Contents)
  • Auto-link type fields now have access to context variables such as _page and _storagePage Accessing field values and properties#Additionalvaluesavailableinthecontext

Version 3.3.8

  • Fixed regression with audit forms not showing _event and _ref fields
  • Fixed NPE in renderWikiMarkup Virtual functions
  • Fixed regression with inline edits

Version 3.3.7

  • Web services connection configurations now support edit and view restrictions. Meaning that the connection can be made visible for users with certain permissions only for configuring in the forms. Please note that it does not make the usage of the connection itself secure, as this is configured using "restrictions" parameter

Version 3.3.6

  • Fixed session bound warnings clean up
  • Improved detection of circular references in configurations that may cause issues while rendering
  • Fixed small regression with a missing : separator in the field rendering between label and value on default configurations

Version 3.3.5

  • Fixed issue with session attributes rendered when the contents is refreshed after the inline/quick action
  • TableViewMerger macro in aggregation mode now follows the same ordering of fields as in configuration
  • Detection of self referencing stack overflow causing configurations that involve ConfiForms Entry Viewer macros used within the FormViews with parameters set to use "Registrations Control layouts"
  • Removed strict dependency on table sorter library

Version 3.3.4

  • Fixed a regression with disabled action buttons

Version 3.3.3

  • Repackaged to support Confluence 7.x versions

Version 3.3.2

  • Fixed ConfiForms EntryViewer to work correctly when view mode is set to "Editable"
  • Action buttons with disabled edit restrictions are now rendered as disabled. Please note that you will still need to check the action that is triggered by these buttons is valid and allowed to a given user (for example, could check the user belongs to certain user group - see Virtual functions)
  • Improved lookup for context values when using dynamic dropdown fields (database and web-service) when used in proxy mode
  • Optimised initialisation of date pickers fields in form views (less code → quicker render)

Version 3.3.1

  • Fixed memory leak in functions asJiraIssue and asInsightObject

Version 3.3.0

  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Entry Viewer macro, when used to load specific entry on page load (techniques demonstrated here Creating links to specific entry with ConfiForms Entry Viewer)
  • Fixed issue with Masked Text field not working with decimal patterns
  • Fixed issue with DB and WS restrictions not working when spaces are used separating values (groups loading failed, as Confluence REST requires the group to match precisely)
  • Support for complete filters in asFilteredBy function Virtual functions
  • Fixed issue with captcha field is not properly working on forms with custom validation rules
  • Fixed leaking file descriptors
  • Fixed attachment picker and file field to react on "change" event properly (for ConfiForms Field Definition Rules set on such fields)
  • Improved rendering of the "rich" fields that are requested through the smart fields (Jira multi-select, Page multi-select and others)
  • Fixed issue with web-services fields not loading contents when [entry.field_name] notations are used
  • NPE fix when rendered through Jira newsfeed
  • NPE fix for smart multi-row when rendered in the preview
  • Fixed issue with "cf_force" parameter breaking smart multi-row fields filters
  • Export to Excel/CSV does not include fields that are relevant only for audit log forms or views constructed by TableViewMerger

Version 3.2.3

  • Hotfix to address editing of complex queries in ConfiForms DB fields

Version 3.2.2

  • Support for setting restrictions on configuration of DB connections and restricting access (view) of database connections using separate users/user groups. Please note that restricting the access to configure a connection does not restrict access to the data
  • Support for configuring multiple (preset) queries per database connection - making it easier for administrators to control the use of connections and queries used
  • ConfiForms Filter control now renders textarea/storage format fields as text fields and supports wildcard search on these fields (when this option is enabled in the macro parameters)
  • Improved handling of incorrect data in attachment references (no transaction rollback on invalid references - could have happened on Confluence spaces that were recovered from the backups or imported into other instances)
  • Support for horizontal layouts in page properties discovery
  • Fixed issue with TableViewMerger incorrectly calculating values for amounts aggregated by number on certain conditions
  • Optimizations in requests sent by ConfiForms Filter macro to make it perform faster

Version 3.2.1

  • Fixed regression with ConfiForms REST API version 0 not recognizing form name parameter
  • DB and WS mappings cannot be accessed by anonymous user even if there are permissions to do so on the page on connections objects
  • Values for choice-based fields now are parsed faster and allow | in the values
  • Detailed search for pages using ConfiForms pages in administration UI
  • Copying of records holding smart multi-row field values is now doing the cloning of these records, not just copying references
  • Reworked processing logic of datetime interval fields (better handling of error cases and allowing to set the parameter for validation message that overrides al the system error messages)
  • Fast response times on reports on forms that use db/ws ref objects and other db/ws field types (no unnecessary loading and initialization)
  • Fixed issue with asJSON function followed by property lookups with calls to next chained virtual functions
  • Enhancing page properties parsing to skip the <ac:placeholder> contents

Version 3.2.0

  • Repackaged to support both Confluence 7 and Confluence 8
  • Important security fix for checking and applying restrictions on database and web-service connections (if set)
  • Fixed issue with datetime field to allow setting the AM/PM formatting option
  • File preview is disabled when shown inside the dialog (after setting the field to be readonly or when ConfiForms EntryViewer macro is used) - file downloads on click

Version 3.1.2

  • This is a ConfiForms plugin build for Confluence 8, to avoid any issues with missing classes that arise from building the app for Confluence 7 and using in Confluence 8 (which should work, according to Atlassian, but it does not). We aim to find workaround for this in the future and continue to build one version of a plugin for both major version of Confluence. This special build is to unblock those who have migrated to Confluence 8 already and require an "immediate" version of the ConfiForms plugin, being a critical core part of their systems

Version 3.1.1

  • Compatibility with Refined Theme for Confluence (fixed broken advanced dropdowns)

Version 3.1.0

  • Built-in audit has been removed completely from the plugin (it's been deprecated 2 years ago - Audit log has been deprecated - what to do)
  • Improvements in form rules initialization - form becomes visible when all the rules were processed and applied (no unnecessary blinking or form refresh/realign)
  • Fixed regression issue with "apply filter on field" (affects also "apply filter based on criteria" and "set field readonly" rules) rule when applied on the field that has more "on change" rules set up in the form

Version 3.0.8

  • Fixed issue with performance degradation on Confluence 7.x
  • Fixed issue with class not found on Confluence 8.x when a view uses a filtering expressiopn

Version 3.0.7

  • Improved performance of parallel (async) rendering/loading and filtering (using dedicated cached thread pools with appropriate TTL and sizes)

Version 3.0.6

  • Performance optimizations in rendering of edit/view restricted fields
  • Fixed possible NPE of file uploads in Confluence 8
  • Large forms (200+ fields) field initilizing improved and optimized and made compatible with Atlassian bug

Version 3.0.5

  • Less resource aggressive settings for parallel renderers, loaders and filters (less threads and common thread pools to keep needed resources bounded and under control)

Version 3.0.4

  • Fixed regression issue with stack overflow related to submitting the form data that has validation errors

Version 3.0.3

Version 3.0.2

  • Fixed class loading issues when plugin is updated (not started as a system plugin with server restart)

Version 3.0.1

  • Fixed compatibility issue with Confluence 7.0.x and 7.1.x (initialization exception with a missing parser)
  • Fixed compatibility issue with search in Confluence 7 and Confluence 8
  • Fixed issue with database dynamic dropdown to store an ID, if that is given (and allow accessing other fields if necessary and if they are loaded with SQL query)
  • Fixed issue with NPE in setting the action to current context
  • Fixed issue with macro preview rendering

Version 3.0.0

  • Fixed bug with sorting of dates (especially datetime fields)
  • Support for File/Attachment field to show all the file types as links (default behaviour is to show images as inline (embedded) pictures)
  • Improved parallel rendering to use own independent pool of renderers to improve performance and reduce dependency on other threads to complete their renderings
  • Xstream library upgrade to 1.4.20 to address known CVEs
  • Fixed regression issue with a "Page/BlogPost" field not hiding the space key when configured to do so
  • The function asFilteredBy from Virtual functions now accepts a true filtering expression (ConfiForms Filters) when applied on a smart field
  • Compatibility with Confluence 8 (except 8.0.0 and 8.0.1)

You need to use a minimum Confluence version 8.0.2 (8.0.0 and 8.0.1 have critical bug

Available for manual install and downloadable from here. Compatibility range 7.0.0-8.0.2 (except Confluence versions 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 as per above)


Final 3.0.0 version of ConfiForms has been published on Atlassian marketplace and could be installed from there or from within Confluence UPM itself -



Release Notes for ConfiForms version 2.x (history)


Introducing new virtual function to help you to format the number in the given locale: formatNumberWithLocale. See more details in Virtual functions


Version 2.0.17

  • Enhanced field definition rule to "validate if exists in another form" to be able to check the reverse condition easily (when record matching the criteria given does not exist in another form)
  • Improved discovery logic between TableViewMerger and Filter macro (on some configurations the filter was applied on the first TableView found, and not on the whole TableViewMerger)
  • Improved IFTTT to create/update the ConfiForms entry to support setting the ownedBy field to empty on update/insert
  • Fixed NPE with license check routine on complex configurations involving ConfiForms IFTTT macros when ConfiForms is used with evaluation license

Version 2.0.16

  • Fixed issue with setting values for checkbox group fields when this field's values are only numeric (was calculating the sum, instead of actually setting the values from the rule)
  • Fixed NPE with ConfiForms Edit Controls macro on certain form configurations
  • File field now supports referencing "always latest" version of the attachment. Good for cases when an attachment associated with ConfiForms field gets updated and you need ConfiForms record to track that change and point at latest version of this attachment


Code Block
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="d860f6a8-91e0-4b60-ac8b-f9d77f53aa33" ac:name="confiform-table" ac:schema-version="1">
  <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">f</ac:parameter>
<p>only equals</p>
<ac:structured-macro ac:macro-id="bcc29516-fa5c-46db-8a0a-4ff1248285e0" ac:name="confiform-table" ac:schema-version="1">
  <ac:parameter ac:name="filter">a1:[entry._func.asEntryRef(entry.a2)]</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">f</ac:parameter>

  • Support for password fields in filters (ONLY exact matches)

Version 2.0.15

  • Added support for using ConfiForms Field macros inside the ConfiForms IFTTT when sending emails/notifications on "delete" event
  • Improved support for ConfiForms Field Definition Rules when used with Datetime Interval field
  • Fixed issues with data migration routine from version 1.x to 2.x (issues with possible duplicate auto-number values)
  • Improved "fix-storage" service (see below for parameters) to handle duplicate record ids (and fix them)

    Code Block
  • Added support for custom form dialog initialising scripts when using edit record and form's main layout is used
  • Fixed issue in sorting of date/datetime fields when custom virtual functions are applied in sort expressions
  • Fixed IFTTT parameters to use current page when page is not specified (as per documentation)

Version 2.0.14


Version 2.0.13

  • Fixed regression issue with smart fields not showing values correctly in views
  • Optimized filtering by ownedBy and other user/multi-user holding fields to perform 4-5 times faster
  • Fixed issue with REST API representation of multi-value fields, especially comments and file/attachment holding fields
  • General initiative to remove XSS and sanitise input and output where possible and appropriate

Version 2.0.12


Support for wildcards (*) in navigation instructions when applying it on a JSON input. A wildcard means the first property in JSON will be taken 


Code Block
  "return": [
      "somehostname01": {
        "file_|-/etc/ssh/sshd_config_|-/etc/ssh/sshd_config_|-managed": {
          "comment": "File /etc/ssh/sshd_config is in the correct state",
          "pchanges": {
          "name": "/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
          "start_time": "11:01:54.394381",
          "result": true,
          "duration": 21.685,
          "__run_num__": 0,
          "__sls__": "abb.sshd",
          "changes": {
          "__id__": "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"

Here is how you can take the "comment" field value

Code Block

which reads to, take the value of a "j" field, transform it to JSON, then get the first property value, then get the first property of a returned value and then lookup for the "comment" property value


Version 2.0.11

  • Fixed issue with removing attachments when a record with file/attachment field get's deleted
  • Fixed issue with storage auto-migration from ConfiForms version 1 to version 2 when content is re-indexed (which has caused issues due to read-only transactions used by the indexer)
  • Fixed issue with null pointer exception thrown when IFTTT was processing onDeleted events and IFTTT actions were using ConfiForms Field macros (sending email on when a record gets deleted, etc)
  • Implemented support for READ-ONLY mode in Confluence. ConfiForms becomes READ-ONLY as well.

Version 2.0.10

  • Implemented support for | in link field type, to allow setting the labels to links
  • Rules for text fields are now applied on keypress (keyup), and not on blur - this allows us to have a more responsive user experience
  • User field profile is always loaded
  • Support for user names having a spaces for multi-select user fields in ConfiForms
  • Fixed minor issue with cache initialization for data loaded from JIRA (Issues and Insight objects)
  • Introduced "remove" virtual function to support the removal of a substring or element (in case of multi-value field) from the values
  • Connection timeout for web-services connections is set to max 20 seconds
  • Fixed issue with ConfiForms Filter macro incorrectly transforming all the fields to dynamic dropdowns
  • Additional service to help with autonumbers in forms after migration (if migrated from ConfiForms version 1.x to ConfiForms version 2.0.8 or lower)

    Code Block

    The service makes sure there are no gaps in the records and all the missing / deleted "records" get also migrated carefully. 

  • Fixed Persian Date field bug not showing correctly the date stored (when in edit mode)

  • Fixed issue with incorrect attachment version in presentation when used with "file" field when an attachment has multiple versions
  • Fixed issue with showing file field's value when an attachment referenced has been deleted
  • Added support to ConfiForms IFTTT to send emails with field value changes. The following constructions (inside ConfiForms IFTTT macro body) show how to check for changes in fields "t1" and "t2". And only in case the value has been changed it will be printed (in this example together with it's previous value)

    Code Block
    #if(("[entry.t1]" != "[entry._previousState.t1]"))
    [entry.t1] [entry._previousState.t1]
    #if(("[entry.t2]" != "[entry._previousState.t2]"))
    [entry.t2] [entry._previousState.t2]
  • New feature to help with setting up customer JavaScript functions when form is loaded (dialog shown) in ConfiForms Registrations (FormView) Control macro
  • New feature to support setting up custom JavaScript functions for ConfiForms Filter macro to execute on filter form load and on filter applied
  • Fixed performance affecting issue with "infinite loop" when specifying broken/incomplete expressions in Formula/Calculated fields

Version 2.0.9

  • Improvements in data migration for forms using auto-number fields and have missing rows (deleted rows)
  • Fixed issue with User fields not showing profile pictures
  • Fixed issue with conditionally shown Edit Controls in TableViews
  • Better reporting of license incompatibility when used on environments not matching the license type
  • Compatibility with upcoming Confluence 6.13
  • Fixed issue with TableViewMerger macro form/file naming for exports

Version 2.0.8

  • TableViewMerger macro dynamic sources discovery now supports forms defined in blogposts 
  • ConfiForms views placed on external pages/blogposts now support forms defined in blogposts
  • Fixed issue with user's data caching on Confluence version 5.7.x
  • Fixed configuration issue with ConfiForms Field Definition Rule when rule to "Look up and set the value from WebService" has been used
  • Optimized filters by page and user fields, when simple expressions are give (to match agains page id or username)
  • New virtual function "randomInt(minVal)" - Virtual functions

Version 2.0.7

  • Fixed regression issue with [empty] filters applied on user fields
  • Fixed issue with rules applied on the same fields, when ConfiForms started to calculate the sums (when numbers only were given as values), instead of applying values separately
  • Support for CSS and message to show when results are empty for TableViewMerger macro
  • Edit controls and viewer controls rendering optimizations when no dynamic parameters were given
  • Optimizations in how user fields are fetched
  • Fixed backward compatibility issue with Confluence 5.5

Version 2.0.6

  • Fixed regression issue with page creation via IFTTT when scripts were not correctly loaded on a pages created with automatic ConfiForms ListView
  • Support for multi-line field values in field definition rules, when setting the values. Use \\n to form a new line in parameters to set (for values)
  • Fixed regression issue with Datetime interval fields not rendered on a CalendarView
  • Performance optimisations in filters when used on user fields
  • Performance optimisations in ConfiForms Filter macro when used with a setting to show only relevant choices
  • Fixed issue with showing/hiding fields in views when it has no value and field was given with virtual function
  • Experimental service to export ConfiForms data as RSS feed

    Code Block
       &feedTitle=<FEED NAME>
       &feedDescription=<FEED DESCRIPTION>
       &feedLink=<FEED URL>
       &entryTitleField=<FORM FIELD TO USE AS TITLE>
       &entryDescriptionField=<FORM FIELD TO USE AS DESCRIPTION>
       &entryLinkField=<FORM FIELD TO USE AS URL>
    entryTitleField, entryDescriptionField, entryLinkField - could use virtual functions and access any field property your form's field may have
    Optional parameter: feedType
    Possible values: rss_2.0, rss_0.92, rss_0.94, rss_0.93, rss_1.0, atom_1.0, atom_0.3

Version 2.0.5

  • Re-packaged for data center compatibility (metadata). Version is waiting an approval from Atlassian ( ConfiForms is already fully compatible with Confluence Data Center, but is awaiting official approval from Atlassian.

Version 2.0.4

  • Recovery API now physically deletes existing records and replaces the dataset contents with what's given (this also resets autonumber sequences in a form). You can also clean up the form completely by uploading empty dataset in a format

    Code Block
  • Fixed issue with show/hide container on forms in dialog mode (and when ID is used as CSS selector)
  • Field Definition Rules macro, when used with "Lookup and set value" action tries to "aggregate" the values it receives, and if all are numbers then sums it up. Use of formulas (expressions) in values to set parameters is supported
  • Enhanced service to check forms storage integrity (reporting non-compliant fieldnames)

    Code Block
  • Fixed issue with Currency field type not validating it's type by default and accepting non numeric values
  • Fields of a text type and similar are now rendered as lookups when used in ConfiForms Filter macro
  • Smart fields now support referencing field values (in addition to referencing records)
  • Introducing "_func" bridge function to enable access to virtual functions through the entry (without using any field). This is sometimes necessary when you want to create complex dynamic filters such as:

    Code Block
    field1:[entry._func.asEntryRef(entry.field2.transform(id).join( OR field1:))]

    This filter, for example, tells to find records where "field1" values match values from "field2". And both fields are multi-value fields

  • timezoneAwareDate and timezoneAwareDateTime virtual functions to format date/datetime as timezone aware dates
  • Cleaner output of emails when rendered and sent though IFTTT macros
  • Attachments picker field enhancement to support showing of all attachments versions
  • Fixed issue with creating pages using ConfiForms when a 3rd party app called "InPlace editor" is installed
  • Added support for "Apply filter" field definition rule to work on attachments picker

    Code Block
    Assuming the field name for "Attachment picker" is "mypicker" and is set to show attachments from children pages, but you want to show only current page attachments (when you put FormView on a child page)
  • Fixed regression issue with excessively strict field name validation

Version 2.0.3


Version 2.0.2

  • Optimisations in data serialization and deserialization, resulted in reducing the data storage format size up to 30% (depends on the data you store)
  • Data loading speed improved up to 15% compared to previous version (depends on the dataset / form configuration)
  • Field definition rules are processed 30% faster, especially on the configurations with many rules (30+)
  • Fixed issue with the uploading of multiple attachments of the same file
  • Entry metadata is back as a tooltip in CardView/TableView row
  • Fixed issue with IFTTT to send emails containing files having a comma in their names
  • Fixed issue with service URL mapping in web services backed fields when current context variable values, such as [entry._user] and [entry._now] were not correctly applied on the parameter
  • New field definition rules to hide (or show) any arbitrary element on the page by CSS selector based on the condition ("Show/Hide container" action type)
  • Fixed helper tools with providing mapping of database and web-service backed fields
  • Fixed issue with form printing when comments added with a Comment field with "inline comments" enabled were not printed
  • Fixed issue with auto-link generation when a reference to uploaded file is used in the pattern
  • Changed JSON export format for multi-value fields to contain "JSON" value string for the values, instead of "XML"
  • Improved and secured content search indexing for forms - now you need to enable form export  to enable the contents of a form to be searchable. Also, setting the form to "show only own records" to non-admin users disables indexing the contents of a form
  • Fixed permissions issue with Recovery API (accessible now by space admin users)

Version 2.0.1

  • ConfiForms now has a new storage layer, with much faster edit and delete operations. And with faster and less memory consuming search / filtering operations. 
    There are no limits on the dataset size per form. And the size of the record is limited by the number of characters your database can hold in a CLOB type field (ConfiForms limits are 2,147,483,647 bytes)
  • Data migration is done for your automatically when you access the form for the first time. This could take some time for the first load, depending your your dataset size

    There are methods to help you to understand how you data looks like and force the migration via migration APIs if you want to do so (accessible only to Confluence system administrators)

    Storage analysis

    Code Block


    Code Block

    Storage integrity check

    Code Block

    (Force)Migrate form's storage via service

    Code Block
  • We advise you to take extra care with upgrading to version 2.x+ from 1.x branch and test your form configurations in your test environments first, before upgrading your live environments.

  • Your tables, rendered with CardView and TableView macros, will look different and use the cleaner styles as provided by AUI -

  • Your forms look cleaner as well, and also follow the guidelines and styles from AUI

  • ConfiForms is DC ready (approval is in progress)
  • Optimizations in rendering: reducing HTML markup size → faster rendering
  • All the features and changes included in 1.54.x releases, up to the latest 1.54.6,
  • Data is stored in the database table "AO_CEFA84_CONFI_FORMS_ENTITY", using record per row method.
  • Rows are not physically deleted from the database when you delete a ConfiForms entry, but marked as deleted. Record contents is removed, but the ID and removal date for the entry are stayed. This allows us to "fix" the logic with auto-number re-use when last ConfiForms entry has been deleted (in ConfiForms version 1.x the last number will be reused, which is not the case anymore with ConfiForms version 2.x)
  • Backup and restore DOES NOT back up the values from ConfiForms storage. Use RAW export and recovery APIs to get the data imported
