ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control |
registrationMessage | Thank you for registering your request. We will contact you shortly |
registrationButtonLabel | Register your request |
This is our current backlog / project roadmap... It is for informational purposes only. This declaration of intent is not a contractual document. But we try our best to make it happen.
Warning |
It might be out of date a bit, The best way to see what we have done recently is to look at our add-ons and their release notes |
ConfiDoc TableView Macro |
root | issues |
serviceId | d450ca5b-aadf-42b6-9c35-02c7503fbd86 |
fields.issuetype.nameType keyJIRA issue fields.status.nameStatusfields.summarySummary; |
ConfiDoc TableView Macro |
root | issues |
serviceId | 28753dc6-4deb-4e8a-bd42-3713cea6ea61 |
fields.issuetype.nameType keyJIRA issue fields.status.nameStatusfields.summarySummary; |
Contact us:
Currently our backlog is visible only for Vertuna employees and partners. Contact us if you want to know about our roadmap and open issues |
Contact us (apps support, consulting services, see more in Consulting services):
ConfiForms Form Definition |
formName | confiFormsIssues |
saveButtonLabel | Send |
showOnlyOwnRecords | true |
registrationFormTitle | Support Request Form for Vertuna apps |
infoInfoBefore contacting support, please make sure you have updated the plugin, you need help with, to <b>latest</b> version. Check Atlassian Marketplace for <a href="" target="_blank">available versions</a> of our appsinfopanel |
ConfiForms Form Definition |
formName | confiFormsIssues |
showOnlyOwnRecords | true |
requestNumberRequest NumberSUPPORT-:100auto id:[empty]requestNumberHide field min-width:380pxaddOnTypeAdd-onfalse[confi=ConfiForms. Data Forms & Workflowsassetforms=AssetForms for Jira|cdoc=ConfiDoc. Include Viewer for SQL, XML, JSON, CSV|confi=ConfiForms. Data Forms & Workflows|html=HTML include macro for Confluence cloud|st=Smart ConfiTemplates|sa=SpaceAuditor system audit and statistics|up=User Profile Strength Plugin|]select- Statistics & Analytics|]Select an app you need our help id:[empty]addOnType!addOnType:saApply Filter on a field sourcePage sourcetrueautopagenameYour nameWe would like to know you and be polite when talking to youtexttrue emailYour emailSo, we can contact your reply you back for the details or when the feature is complete. No spam - we promise!texttrue min-width:500px;width:500px;height:300px;requestDescribe your requestDescribe your feature or support request in brief (, or in details :-) ) Always helps if when you tell us what Confluence/JIRA Jira version you usetextarea Send NotificationonCreatedFeature request for ConfiFormssashTake a look at: ConfiForms Backlog [] [] [entry.request] Requested from: [source.displayTitle] are usingtextarearequest.asLength:>10000Request message is too large. We can accept only up to 10K characters messages at this pointValidation rule clientIPClient IPtrueip width:200pxsenAdd-on's license ID (SEN)Put license SEN numbertexttrue sen.asLength:>20SEN number is too longValidation rule jkRelated Jira keyhidden
trueWebService Request7858b74df3dc0ad68eefddbf771d809aonCreatedrest/api/2/issue/X-Atlassian-Token: no-check;Content-Type: application/json;JJPOSTtrueCreate ConfiForms EntryonCreatedentryId=[]&jk=[iftttResult_JJ]
trueSend Emailvertuna@vertuna.comonCreated[entry.jk.asJSON.requestNumberkey] Vertuna Support Request (Confluence add-ons) [] [] [entry.request.replaceCRLFWithBR]
[entry.jk.asJSON. requestNumberkey] [entry.addOnType.label] [entry.sen] truetruetrueSend Emailvertuna@vertuna.comonCreated[entry.jk.asJSON.key] Vertuna Support Request (Confluence add-ons)[]Just confirming that we got your request. We're on it.
Ref issue number: (We will grant you access to this issue shortly)
ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control |
overrideSaveButtonLabel | Send |
presetValues | addOnType=confi |
registrationMessage | Thank you for registering your request. We will contact you shortly |
registrationButtonLabel | Register your request |
Info |
Our table above is provided dynamically from our JIRA server by our ConfiDoc Plugin for Confluence. Feature requests form is provided by The ConfiForms Plugin for Confluence |