Vertuna LLC

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Atlassian Top Vendor (GOLD level Atlassian partner)

on the marketplace since 2015


titleDocumentation for

ConfiForms Plugin for Confluence - easily create your very own custom data entry forms with workflows and integrations (such sending emails, creating JIRA issues, using ConfiForms forms as page templates and much much more)

Data Entry Forms and Workflows for Confluence made easy and with love!


Documentation for ConfiForms cloud version could be found here: ConfiForms CLOUD documentation

Please also refer to the differences between ConfiForms server/data center and ConfiForms cloud 

ConfiForms - Data Forms & Workflows on Atlassian marketplace

titleDocumentation for

AssetFroms for Jira

Introducing AssetForms for Jira, the new app that puts you in control of all your company assets.

Asset Management Done Right. CMDB, ITIL, ITSM, ITAM and above and beyond. For you, In Jira with AssetForms app

AssetForms for Jira on Atlassian Marketplace

titleDocumentation for

ConfiTemplates Templates & Excerpts



Organize and re-use your Confluence content in an easy and smart way. Reduce and fix your duplicate content and lower maintenance costs!

Global changes to your pages will be a breeze.

Smart ConfiTemplates Templates and Excerpts for Confluence on Atlassian Marketplace


titleDocumentation for

SpaceAuditor for Confluence

Confluence system audit and statistics. Know your content, add-ons used and not used, most popular, less popular and many other metrics and details about your Confluence content.

Also includes a handy toolbox with simple macros to show page author, page created date, modified date and many other metadata fields



is now an unsupported plugin available for free

- Statistics & Analytics for Confluence on Atlassian MarketplaceSpaceAuditor system

titleDocumentation for

HTML Include macro for Confluence cloud

Your own HTML (and JavaScript!) inside Atlassian Confluence cloud! 

HTML include macro for Confluence Cloud audit and statistics for Confluence on Atlassian Marketplace

Profile Strength for Confluence

Custom profiles what are unique to your organization. Free for everyone and supported by Vertuna LLC!

This add-on has been archived and not developed nor supported anymore
titleDocumentation for

ConfiPanels - handy panels for Jira cloud

Little handy panel to quickly show other requests by given customer or reporter

HTML include macro for Confluence Cloud on Atlassian Marketplace

Image Added

Useful user macros we use everyday and happy to share with you


ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
pageTitleCONFIFORMS:ConfiForms Backlog
registrationMessageThank you, we will contact your shortly
registrationButtonLabelContact us to get support on Vertuna LLC add-ons
confirmationMessageThank you for registering your request. We will contact you shortly

Quick links:

SLA for Add-ons developed by Vertuna LLC

Data security and privacy statement

Vertuna Atlassian Add-ons EULA

Support Request Form

Consulting services

Missing integration with the service you want - contact us

Privacy Policy


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