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  • Using Webservice Object Referencing Field

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This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app

However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.

In this short tutorial we will show you how to use a Webservice Object Referencing Field type in ConfiForms

We will configure it to show the data from Jira issue And alternatively from a Confluence page. So there will be 2 fields of this type in a form

We are configuring a form with 2 fields, one to point at our confluence and another to point at our Jira instance

Form configuration



We also have a Hide Field rule to hide "pageMetadata" as we always want it to show the current page's metadata

The APIs we use return something like this 


// 20210202191810

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"message": "The Parent Link is only available to Jira Premium users."
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// 20210202191428

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And we want to show the "Page title" and the issue type description for this particular issue, in a table...

Build like this

And to access "page title" we use the following expression (in the "field name" parameter of the ConfiForms Field macro) to navigate to a desired property: 


And to navigate to Jira issue type description we use 


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