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This is the documentation for ConfiForms Server/Data Center app

However, this might also work for ConfiForms cloud and in most cases it does. But please see this page to understand the differences between server and cloud versions of the ConfiForms app.

Action types available in ConfiForms Field Definition Rules (aka ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition)

Rules are the best way to add dynamics to your forms, make validation rules conditional or customise form UI behaviour

Available rules

Action type

Apply CSS on a field

Applies CSS styles on a given field, based on the condition set

Apply Filter on a field

You can apply specific filters on "select"-type fields.

This is especially powerful, when your fields are backed by smart fields, web-service or database fields.

Your filter is applied ON THE DATASET this field relies on. Which means, the filter is applied on the source dataset

Few examples:

Apply Filter based on matching criteria

Please see the following tutorial for details Using filter based on criteria rule

Hide field

Conditionally hides the field and the "wrapping" container (if given)

Hide container

Allows you to hide by CSS selector

Lookup and set DB value

Helps you to have a lookup against the query you create from your database

Lookup and set WS value

Allows you to make a request to a webservice and set the received values back to the form's fields

Lookup and set JIRA issue data

Allows you to request issue details from your Jira (by issue key) and set the received values back to the

Lookup and set Insight object data

Same as with Jira issue data, but allows you to query Insight data storage

Lookup and set value

This rule allows you to lookup the data from another ConfiForms form and set received data back to the form's fields

Run custom JavaScript

ConfiForms can execute a custom JavaScript function via ConfiForms Field Definition Rules, and your function can expect the following variables to be present

  • formName - is the "form" with HTML field elements. This allows you to access fields very easily via AJS.$(formName).find('#i_FIELD_NAME')
  • formId - is the "div" element in HTML holding the whole form and fields. This allows you to access fields very easily via AJS.$('#' + formId).find('#i_FIELD_NAME')

which means your function can have a signature like:

function myfunction(formName, formId) {

See demo: Using ConfiForms Field Definition rules with JavaScript action to get and set field values

Since version 2.21.5 ConfiForms offers some helper functions to use

JavaScript functions
Available since versionFunction DescriptionDemo


function cfAddFieldRequired(formId, fieldName)

Adds required field mark / asterisk. This does not make the field required - you need to have an additional validation in place to validate the field's value


function cfRemoveFieldRequired(formId, fieldName)Removes required field mark / asterisk from a field. Important to know that if the field is set as required in ConfiForms Field Definition then it still remains as required and users must provide a value before they can submit the form. This function only changes the visual appearance of a field label


function cfAddTabStop(formId, fieldName)Adds "tab stop", meaning that the field will be excluded from form's set of fields when moving around using the "tab" key 


function cfRemoveTabStop(formId, fieldName)Removes the "tab stop" marker from a field


function cfSetValue(formId, fieldName, fieldValue, isAdvanced = false)Set's value on a field. Set "isAdvanced = true" if you want to set the value on "advanced" fields (such as dropdown fields with lookup, etc)


function cfSetValueWithEventPropagation(formId, fieldName, fieldValue, eventType, isAdvanced = false)

Same as "cfSetValue" function but  triggers an eventType event

eventType can be of the following type:

  • change
  • input
  • blur
  • keyup

This depends on the field you want to trigger this for. Text fields expect 'input', dropdowns and other choice based fields - "change"; Jira, user and page lookup fields expect a "blur"


function cfResetValue(formId, fieldName, isAdvanced = false)Resets value on a field (sets it to empty state).


function cfSetValueByIndex(formId, fieldName, index, isAdvanced = false)Selects value by index in a dropdown (simple or advanced) field. Options start with 0 index (so, the first option will be with index = 0)


function cfToggleReadOnly(formId, fieldName, isReadOnly, isAdvanced = false) Toggles readonly attribute (either adds it or removes it, depending on a isReadOnly parameter value)


function cfToggleDisabled(formId, fieldName, isDisabled, isAdvanced = false) Toggles disabled attribute (either adds it or removes it, depending on a isDisabled parameter value)


function cfTriggerEvent(formId, fieldName, eventName) 

eventName can be of the following type:

  • change
  • input
  • blur
  • keyup


function cfGetValue(formId, fieldName) 

Retrieves value from a form's field


function cfGetValueBySelector(formId, fieldSelector)

Retrieves value from a form by CSS selector

More on JavaScript functions

Set expression

Same as set value, but you can set expression (Supported math operators, formulas and functions), which will be calculated for you

Set field readonly

Sets field as readonly, setting reverse condition will do the opposite. Please note that you will need 2 rules to set/unset the readonly status - you cannot have one (as with hide/show, for example)

Please also note that not all the fields can be set as readonly -  dropdowns are ALREADY readonly, and setting the as readonly makes no sense and no impact. 

Also, not all the fields are supported (work in progress). 

Set form title

Rule to help you to changes form's title

Set field label

Sets label text for the field

Set value

Set's value to the fields. Please be aware, that internal value for the field is expected. See ConfiForms Field Types

Set value if empty

Same as above, but has additional check applied to ensure the value is set ONLY when the field has not value set

Set submit button label

Changes label on submit form button

Show field

Conditionally shows the field and the "wrapping" container (if given)

Show container

The opposite what "Hide container" does, and allows you to show elements matching the CSS selector you put

Reset value

Resets the field value

Validate if exists in other Form

Useful action type to check if the record matching configured condition / filter exists in the other form

Validate uniqueness

On form submit, the action checks if the record is unique within a dataset. Uniqueness criteria is calculated based on the fields given

Validate on delete

This action is executed on "record delete", and could prevent the record being deleted based on the condition you set

Validation rule

Validates record(conditionally)

Validation rule (dataset)

Validates current record against the rows in the dataset, For example, when you want to ensure the max number of records stored in the dataset

  • No labels